5 perfect programs that installed by default in Windows

When we install Windows from scratch , Microsoft includes a series of programs and applications with its operating system in order to improve the user experience of its users. However, most people are not interested in many of these programs, being considered as “bloatware” or “junk software”. But this does not mean that all these programs are useless and unnecessary, but rather that some of them, like the ones we are going to see, can become very useful to us.


The Windows calculator is underrated. Although, being honest, surely on more than one occasion he has gotten us out of some trouble. This program allows us to make all kinds of quick accounts on the PC. But not only that, but it hides one of the most advanced scientific calculators that we can use on a PC. An excellent day-to-day companion to get us up to the last account.

Mail and calendar

The mail and calendar app , which usually goes unnoticed, is very useful if we know how to use it. We can add all our email accounts (not just Outlook) to this program to receive the messages on the computer and save them there as a backup. We can synchronize our contacts with this program, and all our calendar appointments so that we can always have them in view on the PC.

Edge, to browse and view PDF

Although one of the first things we usually do after installing Windows is to download and install Google Chrome, Microsoft’s default browser, Edge, has improved a lot in recent times. Now this browser uses the Chromium engine, so it not only offers us the same features as Chrome, but also improves many aspects of it.

Edge is an excellent browser so you don’t have to install anything else. Although, to be honest, it will remain as a secondary browser on most PCs. But the best thing about it is that it is capable of opening and editing PDF . It is one of the most interesting free PDF viewers that we can find on the entire network. An excellent tool that should not be missing in our day to day.


Cloud storage can be very useful both for saving backups and for sharing files with other users. Today there are many companies that allow us to upload our data to their cloud, such as Google Drive or Dropbox. However, none of these clouds are as well integrated into Windows as OneDrive. Just by using a Microsoft Account we can have 5 GB of free storage for whatever we want. And, if we pay for Microsoft 365, we can have a 1TB hard drive in the cloud at our disposal. One of the best ways to safely store all our personal data.


This is one of the latest programs developed by Microsoft and included within the operating system. In Windows 11, specifically, it is installed by default and converted into the default system console. Thanks to it we can have, in one place, all kinds of system terminals, from CMD and PowerShell to BASH, and even Azure consoles. A tool with a multitude of customization options and themes, as well as the possibility of opening several consoles at the same time in tabs.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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