5 Components of Martin Seligman’s Concept of Happiness

In psychology there is a concept of happiness which is commonly called perma. Where the concept was coined by Martin Seligman, a positive psychology pioneer. In Martin Seligman’s concept of happiness, there are several elements or elements of happiness that can be obtained simultaneously and separately. This element has 5 elements that must be considered and must also be fulfilled.

Everyone in this world certainly wants happiness, especially in life whoever certainly wants and also craves for a complete happiness in his life. Because as we all know, happiness is one of the most important factors that everyone should have.

The name happiness can of course be seen from the existence of a psychological condition that can support a person’s emotional level starting from a positive level to a much higher one, so that it will make the emotional level much lower.

In order to achieve true happiness, there must be some effort and method. But unfortunately, happiness does have a temporary nature. Because what is called happiness cannot last forever and only temporarily. In this case it also requires us to seek true happiness.

Martin Seligman also stated in his book entitled Authentic Happiness that what is called an authentic happiness that can be obtained from an assessment of oneself and also a process of identification and also grows a fundamental strength.

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Where in this case it is also associated with a positive emotion. Seligman also formulated the existence of a concept of happiness which is closely related to the existence of six values. Among these values, it can also show that there is happiness that we must learn, so that later we can achieve true happiness. The following are the components in Martin Seligman’s concept of happiness,

  1. Virtue of wisdom and knowledge

From the learning that we have done, we can get happiness if there is gratitude that comes and also have lessons from life-long learning. For that we also have to learn about environmental psychology and also who is around us at this time, as well as knowledge from social psychology to be able to equalize perceptions among the community.

The existence of proper knowledge can also be used as a true foundation to be able to foster curiosity and also about various things that happen and look interesting to see. From this curiosity, it can also make us love what’s inside of us more and also hope for a happiness that can make ourselves wiser.

As humans, we are also required to interact with each other and the social environment so that we can become someone who thinks much more critically and also smartly, so that later it can be useful and easy to be able to solve a problem in the environment. And later we will be able to feel the name of happiness.

  1. Virtue of courage (passion and passion)

In life sometimes we have obstacles and challenges that can make us weak as humans. Apart from that, there is a character of courage and high enthusiasm as well as a sense of perseverance and integrity within us that enables us to achieve true happiness. However, if there are things that make us feel down. We also have to know that there is a feeling that makes us much stronger and also not easy to give up.

In life we ​​also have to understand to be able to complete whatever we have done, besides completing the work that has been promised and also being realistic and honest are things that are required. Because people who have happiness also do not necessarily never feel struggles and difficulties. Because they are also struggling to become a stronger person and also dare to face things that should not be afraid of them.

Also read:

  • Tips for Happiness in the Household
  • How to make yourself happy
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  1. Love and humanity

When we feel happiness, it is also inseparable from the people around us. Even Seligman once stated that to be able to achieve happiness there must be a value of love and also a sense of humanity. In this case, this value can also be a thing in which there is a goodness and also a sense of generosity for future life.

So that we also have to be able to instill a sense of love and compassion and a sense of empathy that is in us later. And the thing that is no less important is to continue to spread the goodness and happiness that is within us.

Because happiness can come from simple things, for example by greeting neighbors. Because it could be that with our good attitude it will bring happiness to someone who is afflicted with grief. Another thing that we can show again is by loving and also taking care of ourselves so that later we can truly feel happiness

  1. Virtue of justice (sense of justice)

The existence of a sense of happiness can also arise from a sense of cheating and also being cheated. Even as human beings we are also obliged to respect and also have obligations to others and the most important thing is to have a sense of equality and also justice in our lives. So that we can get a sense of happiness from others easily, and also do not forget to be able to enjoy the feeling of happiness with the people around us later.

  1. Transcendation

We must know that transcendence is an emotional force that can connect us with a feeling of something big and permanent. For example, for the future as well as divinity and the universe. So that in the end we can be grateful for our life later. It is with this gratitude that true happiness can arise.

Well, here is a review of Martin Seligman’s concept of happiness. One type of self-concept in psychology can also make us much better understood in interpreting a diversity.


by Abdullah Sam
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