5 best spices for weight loss

A weight loss diet can be less restrictive if you include some types of spices in your diet. This does not mean that only them will suffice – but the effect will be.

You may have noticed how few people are overweight in Asia, India, and other places with extremely spicy food, fiery sauces and so many spices that it’s hard to tell whether they were added to soup, or soup to pepper shaker.

It turns out that the coincidence is not accidental. There are certain spices, including different types of pepper, that act like a drug on the metabolism.

Chemical compounds that accelerate metabolism are absolutely legal and safe in reasonable quantities. They can help you achieve weight loss or stop weight gain, as well as regulate your blood sugar and improve your health.

Here are a few spices to use more often.


A team of researchers from Shri Venkateswara University (India) analyzed the food component piperonal, which is found in black pepper . It turned out that it directly affects the reduction of the percentage of body fat. What’s more, it also lowers blood sugar and strengthens bones.

Another type of pepper that has been used for thousands of years in cooking and as a medicine is hot peppers .

It is taken as a condiment that inhibits blood clotting and lowers cholesterol levels. Plus, just 7.68 mg of capsaicin has been shown to help the body burn calories and fat faster.

Chili peppers are so hot that only daredevils eat them raw. Typically, natural chili is used to make cayenne pepper . That is, a seasoning that is easier to add to various dishes. She also “burns” fat.


A sweet aromatic spice that is also very popular in India along with turmeric . Both of these spices are often used in Ayurvedic medicine.

Research has shown that cardamom prevents the accumulation of fat around the diaphragm and also lowers cholesterol levels. In addition, it helps to flush out excess fluids, reduce bloating, and normalize blood sugar levels.

A great effect from a very tasty seasoning that can be added to many dishes and even drinks – for example, coffee or cocoa.


It is also a universal seasoning, in addition to food and drinks, it is added to bread and fruits. It might be worth doing this more often because the cinnamaldehyde oil in cinnamon can help you lose weight.


Garlic is known to have antimicrobial properties as well as the ability to lower bad cholesterol levels. In addition, phytochemicals in garlic effectively break down fats.


It is considered a Chinese spice, because it has been used in the Middle Kingdom for a very long time and everywhere. Ginger is used to combat nausea and airway congestion.

Drinks with this spice also dull the feeling of hunger, help the body break down and destroy fats.


There are people who don’t need to be begged to add mustard to a sandwich or hot dog. Heed their advice, as well as the advice of researchers who have shown that mustard speeds up metabolism by about a quarter. That is, it accelerates the absorption of food – especially heavy food, for which it is usually used.

It makes sense to reconsider your diet.

In recent years, the body positivist movement has been gaining momentum, which undoubtedly has healthy psychological foundations. Of course, people should feel comfortable with any body size.

Is this just a reason to run your body and gain extra weight? Exercise better, eat healthy foods and seasonings to burn fat.

Scroll down to browse Fat Burning Condiments and add new flavors to your recipes. This is not only healthy, but also delicious!

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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