4 Types of Tantrums in Children and How to Overcome Them

Parents are no stranger to dealing with tantrum children. However, it is not uncommon for the condition of children who are tantrums to provoke the emotions of the parents. Have you ever experienced it? Tantrum is a term used to describe tantrum or angry behavior experienced by children. This condition arises as an attempt to express emotions, for example by crying loudly, going berserk, rolling on the floor, even throwing things.

Moms and Dads don’t need to worry when children experience tantrums. Reporting from Halodoc , tantrums are very common in children aged 1-4 years. at this age children cannot yet find a way to make adults understand what they want. Do you know that there are several types of tantrums and need a different way to deal with each type? Come on Moms, we learn to recognize tantrums in children!

1. Manipulative tantrum, a condition when a child throws a tantrum because his desire is not fulfilled

To get what they want, children often deliberately do tantrums Photo by Bearfotos via www.freepik.com

This type of tantrum is actually made up by the child so that he can get what he wants. However, that does not mean that all tantrums that occur in children are manipulative, yes Moms. Manipulative tantrums usually occur when a child is rejected for his wishes. Well, usually Moms are often fooled by this tantrum. When a child experiences manipulative tantrums, Moms do not rush to fulfill the child’s desire to relieve the tantrum, yes! This action actually makes children think that tantrums are the right way to get what they want.

Moms should be more patient with this type of tantrum. Calm the child, until the tantrum subsides. Then ask what he wants. Moms also have to help children to be able to express their wishes well. Help the child to realize the consequences of the tantrum. For example, a child slams a toy during a tantrum, show that this action can damage the toy. Ask the child not to repeat this action when Moms will comply with their wishes.

2. Gimme tantrum , the way children express their wishes continuously to make them annoyed

The child asks for something but is ignored, so he is upset. | Photo by HighwayStars via id.depositphotos.com

This type of tantrum is almost similar to manipulative tantrum, it’s just that this type of tantrum is not made up. Children who experience gimme tantrums usually because they are upset have repeatedly expressed their wishes, but Moms still ignore them. This type of tantrum is usually due to trivial things, for example a child asking for milk or snacks, but Moms have not responded. This type of trantrum is also similar to the attention-getter tantrum or tantrum when the child is looking for attention.

Dilansri from Caribu , Claudia M. Gold, a director of the Early Childhood Social Emotional Health program at Newton-Wellesley revealed that gym tantrums often occur when children are invited to shop at the supermarket. Children want their favorite snacks, but the mother is still busy shopping or even chatting with acquaintances they meet. This can irritate the child very much and end up in tantrums. If the child experiences this tantrum, Moms must calm the child then give him an understanding of the conditions that make the child feel neglected.

3. Tantrum frustration, often occurs when the child is not able to express himself well

reported from Halodoc , children will feel frustrated to convey their desires that are difficult for parents to understand. This condition usually ends with the child throwing a tantrum and crying loudly. This type of tantrum is very common when a child is under 18 months of age. At this age children’s language skills are still difficult to understand, besides that it is usually caused by several factors such as fatigue, hunger, and difficulty or failure to do something.

When children experience frustrating tantrums, Moms must be more patient. Approach the child, and calm him down. After your child calms down, offer a solution to something that might be upsetting him. For example, offer him snacks or meals if the child looks hungry, offer help if the child has difficulty using the toys.

4. The tantrum of despair, is different from other tantrums. Children tend to shut down, be silent and are reluctant to answer when asked

Desperate tantrums tend to make children clam up and shut down. | Photo by Freepik via www.freepik.com

Reporting from the Siloam Hospital health article , according to dr. Evi Silvia, a pediatrician, said that despairing tantrums occur because of a large amount of emotional outburst and cause children to be afraid or feel uncomfortable. However, children do not have the courage to express their feelings. If a child experiences this type of tantrum, the role of Moms and Dads is needed to accompany the child.

Children will tend to shy away when asked, even shut themselves up. This condition makes it even more difficult for Moms to find out the will of the child. However, Moms and Dads must be more patient. Stay with the child, encourage him to keep in touch, flirt until he melts and dares to express his feelings. If a child experiences this type of tantrum but is neglected, the child will feel more and more lonely, which results in stronger and more pent-up emotions. This is not very good for emotional management.

So, whatever the condition that causes tantrums and what kind, children only need to be understood and helped to overcome difficulties in communicating. The role of Moms and Dads is very important in this phase of development. So, Moms and Dads must be more patient and don’t easily get provoked by emotions when children experience tantrums. Accompany the child during tantrums, calm him down, hug him warmly and understand by talking slowly, never scold a tantrum child, yes Moms!

by Abdullah Sam
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