4 tough ways to learn to stand for what you really think

Courage is about many different things. Courage can be to go against the flow, to dare to speak out if a friend or colleague is treated unfairly and to dare to be more honest with oneself.

1. Question everything that is considered right and wrong
Just because the majority around you goes in one direction, you do not have to do it if you feel it is wrong. Many just follow the current to avoid being singled out as “strange”, “antisocial” and “complicated”. But sometimes it is simply not possible to just be a team player, shut up and close your eyes to what your inner moral compass is saying. What do you think? For real?
Of course, it’s about choosing your battles – sometimes you have to compromise. Sometimes you may also have to bite into the sour apple if the consequences of going against the flow would be too unfavorable for you. But do not say yes when you really mean I just out of habit and laziness.

ALSO READ ABOUT THE BOOK: Get to know yourself – 756 questions that show who you are – really

2. Dare to take the consequences
Since so many just talk and so few really take their threats and protests seriously, it’s easy to get sidetracked. and be considered “odd” if you really dare to act instead of just talking. Do you really believe in your cause? Dare to take the consequences of your actions and do so instead of just airing new hollow threats and promises.

Challenge the peer pressure
A majority of people do not always have to be right. Keep in mind that very many have uncomfortable opinions, but do not dare to stand for them but usually adjust to the ranks. Also keep in mind that peer pressure does not mean that the group is right and that a few who think differently are wrong. It can be just the opposite. Do not let the great masses deceive you into compromising or giving in to pure fear and flatness.

ALSO READ: TEST: How good is your self-confidence?

4. Take more risks
Sometimes a wrong decision is better than not making a decision at all – and thus leaving it to others to decide for you

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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