What does ‘XQ’ stand for and why did your friend use it on Messenger?

It may be that while you were chatting with a friend, he or she wrote to you by abbreviating long words or sent you only letters, this phenomenon of language is called ‘Idioms’ and although the use of idioms has increased in the digital age It is something that has been around for a lifetime.

These new idioms of the digital age arose from the creation of instant messaging platforms. (Messenger or WhatsApp for example) There was a need to communicate in a faster and easier way and it is something normal, even accepted by the RAE. In fact , WhatsApp emojis have a meaning  in our conversations.

What Does ‘XQ’ Mean and Why Did Your Friend Use It on Messenger? – Idioms

Currently, the digital world has modified the language too much, not only Spanish, in English we see examples such as ‘How r u’, an abbreviation for ‘How are you?’  And although the words will be counted, it really does not mean a deformation of the language, but a new way of communicating on a digital level, the so-called Internet jargon that is only used in chats and social networks.

Index( )

  1. What is the reason your friend typed ‘xq’ when he replied to you?
  2. What other abbreviations are often used in social media chats and what do they mean?
    1. XD
    2. Bss
    3. Qtl
    4. Tmb

What is the reason your friend typed ‘xq’ when he replied to you?

Why did your friend write you ‘xq’? easy, let’s go back to the example of the contraction of the sentence ‘how are you’. In English the letters ‘R’ and ‘U’ sound the same as the spoken words ‘Are’ and ‘You’, so English speakers use them as an abbreviation for the sentence, writing it this way ‘How r u’.

Something similar happens in Spanish, when we are going to multiply we use the sign ‘x’, this sign in spoken language is called ‘por’, the ‘q’ is a contraction of the syllable ‘que’, therefore the meaning of these two letters together (xq) is equal to the sentence written ‘why’. So if your friend has sent you this Internet idiom, it may be possible that he did not understand what you meant.

What other abbreviations are often used in social media chats and what do they mean?

Idioms or Internet slang is pretty broad , too. Language is something that changes and transforms constantly and on the Internet, written language is very varied, with innumerable jargons, idioms and abbreviations.

With all the existing types of meanings that are changing and adapting to each language, each country, even in each city and community, it adapts to its people and the way they use it. Next, we will show you the most used in Messenger and Whatsapp, such as XD, so that you do not get confused when receiving a message from your friend on Messenger .


It is one of the most used jargons worldwide, because it adapts to all types of culture, no matter what language they speak, it is also one of the oldest, when emojis were not so popular, or you had to write combinations of letters and codes to appear.

It is thus a primitive emoji, many before the existence of keyboard apps with emojis, if you look closely you can realize that it looks like a very smiling face ‘XD’ , because it expresses an exaggerated laugh. In fact, when you receive an “X2” comment on Facebook , it implies that you also agree with what was mentioned.


Now what does ‘Bss’ mean, you can get an idea, if you go back to the example of the contraction of words, ‘Bss’ is used as a way to shorten the word ‘Besos’ , eliminating the eyo, and implying with consonants which means, you can use this slang when you want to show affection or affection to your friends.


This is another abbreviation sample, unlike ‘bss’ which abbreviates the word, this abbreviation contracts two words , do you remember the example of ‘How r u’? . Well, it’s basically the same, but in Spanish it means ‘que tal’, ‘Qtl = que tal’ easy and simple to remember for the next one.


Lastly, we have this quite simple and very, very used abbreviation , it could be said that it is more used than ‘qtl’, since it expresses more how we feel with the other person, that we feel in a similar or the same way. ‘Tmb’ means ‘also’, very easy right.

Now you know what words to use when your friend chats with you on Messenger and when you follow the conversation, it will be more fluid.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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