32 benefits of having a sister

The sisters can be our best friends or worst enemies (it depends on the day and the topic of discussion). Having a sister to hang out with or freaking out is a lot of fun.

To celebrate National Brothers Day, I would like to pay tribute to my best friend and love of my life: my sister Casey. Anyone with a sister knows that she has had a great gift from life: a real accomplice.

This is for my sister (and all the others). Here are 32 reasons that make having a sister so extraordinary.

  1. Know when you say bullshit.
  2. When you don’t know what to wear, you can send her a photo and she will decide for you.
  3. Do you know that embarrassing episode you would never tell anyone? Well, you can tell her.
  4. You will always have a hangover companion (if you are over 18, of course)
  5. Know everything you have done, for better or for worse. And he will never judge you.
  6. You won’t blow up World War III among your friends to decide who your bridesmaid will be (if and when you get married). That role belongs to your sister by right, always.
  7. He was always with you when your parents forced you to wear those hateful matching clothes.
  8. Know all your quirks.
  9. Share with you the effort of having a complicated surname (mine is Vagianos, it’s not simple).
  10. It always tells you when you look horrible. And even when you’re beautiful
  11. When you have problems, she is the person you call first. And that rushes to you.
  12. From her you receive the best hugs ever.
  13. Does not judge you for movies that Netflix “recommends” you on your shared account.
  14. You always have someone who can advise you, whether it be a matter of the heart, taxes or a credit card account.
  15. He is the right person to judge your partner.
  16. She is Thelma, you are Louise, she is your Romi, your Gayle, your Monica, your Cher, and so on.
  17. You don’t have to justify yourself for the oddities of your family, she is part of it.
  18. You can fight us to death but you will always be sure that, in the end, you will always find her by your side.
  19. You have someone to grow and grow old with.
  20. Maybe he won’t have the best solution when you’re in trouble, but he’ll still offer you one.
  21. He will always speak to you directly.
  22. His closet is yours too. I said everything.
  23. She is the only friend who will always, sincerely, care about your interests.
  24. It will always be a model to follow, whether younger or older than you.
  25. It’s always there when you just want movies and couch.
  26. Knows all your embarrassed secrets, such as the fact that you had X-shaped legs as a child.
  27. The best jokes ever.
  28. It is your soul mate.
  29. Nobody knows who you really are better than she is. And when you start to skid, it can guide you on the right path.
  30. It is an inexhaustible source of love, support and sincerity.
  31. You know she will be a great aunt (if and when you want to have children). And he will talk to your child about how to do all “those things” safely, of course.
  32. He would do anything for you. Whatever happens, it will always be by your side.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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