30 Examples of Asia, to and from

Asia is a proper noun that designates a continent ( The trip through Asia was unforgettable ). Towards is a preposition (He looked up at the sky and asked for help ). It was a conjugated form of the verb ” to do” ( made months not seen ).

The words “Asia”, “towards” and “did” are homophones , that is, they sound phonetically the same but their meaning is different and they are written differently. In orality, when we hear any of these words, we may not be certain what their writing is, so sometimes confusion can be generated.

  • See also:  Words with S, C and Z

When is each used?

  • Asia . It is a proper name that refers to the largest continent on the planet. For example: Japan is located in Asia .
  • Towards . It is a preposition that indicates movement, direction, attitude, tendency or closeness. For example: We will be arriving around four in the afternoon.
  • Did . It is the verb “do” conjugated in the past imperfect or copreterite , and it appears in almost all singular persons (I, you, he and she). For example: It was so cold that they decided to stay home.

Example sentences with “Asia”

  1. For the Geography exam they must know the capitals of the countries of Asia .
  2. When they went to Asia , they visited the Ganges River.
  3. The history of Asia is very interesting.
  4. In Asia they proliferate many plant and animal species that are only found there.
  5. I would love to get to know Asia .
  6. On the trip to Asia , we saw a large number of Buddhist temples.
  7. If one day I manage to travel to Asia , I will not stop passing through Indonesia.
  8. Asia is the most populous continent in the world.
  9. In Asia we can find paradisiacal beaches.
  10. The clothing brand owns factories in Asia that produce for the entire world.

Examples of sentences with “towards”

  1. We will go to the north to see if we find the way.
  2. His attitude towards his father leaves much to be desired.
  3. You have no idea to where it goes your life.
  4. The detainee goes to the police station accompanied by the agents.
  5. The flight left for Madrid a few hours ago.
  6. Around five in the afternoon the guests will arrive.
  7. His words were directed towards his friend, but she never noticed.
  8. He looked towards the horizon and realized that there was no way out.
  9. Towards the end of the day, a tiredness creeps over him like he’s never felt before.
  10. Tolerance towards others is what will save us from ruin.

Examples of sentences with “did”

  1. The girl made morisquettes, but nobody paid attention to her.
  2. It had been several years I wanted to go on vacation to the beach.
  3. If you did n’t do what you were told, everyone would be hurt.
  4. When he was a boy, he did the same mischief that his son does today.
  5. It was so hot that they couldn’t get out of the hut.
  6. The student did all the homework, but always with the help of the teacher.
  7. He regretted losing his secretary, because he did everything with great alacrity.
  8. My father made some exceptional desserts.
  9. When he did too many things at the same time, everything went wrong.
  10. Otherwise he had listened to his boss, eventually unemployed.
by Abdullah Sam
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