3 tricks to discover or hide an infidelity on WhatsApp

3 tricks to discover or hide an infidelity on WhatsAppWhen someone cheats on their partner, one of the easiest ways for them to end up getting caught is through the traces left by an infidelity on WhatsApp . The normal thing is that we have conversations with the person with whom we have a parallel relationship, and these conversations are one of the main tests for them to catch us red-handed.

Whether you are being unfaithful to your partner or if you think you are the victim of infidelity , knowing the ways to hide a conversation in this application can be of great help both to cheat on your partner and to know if the other is the one who cheated on you. is doing.

How to know if my partner has a fake contact on WhatsApp

One of the things that shows that there is an infidelity is if my partner has a fake contact on WhatsApp .

This means that you have a person saved with a name that is not real , so that by looking only at the list of chats or the notifications that come to you, you can believe that it is from a family member or friend and you will not see a trace of infidelity on WhatsApp . .

In principle, the only way to realize this is to unlock your phone and read the conversations . But there are also some clues that can make you realize that your partner has a false contact and is trying to hide something from you.

Thus, if you see that your partner has hidden notifications from someone with whom, in principle, they have nothing to hide or if you have a contact in common and your partner appears with a different profile photo , it is not at all certain, but there are great options. that you have a fake contact on WhatsApp.

How to hide a conversation on WhatsApp without being noticed

If you are the one who is being unfaithful, you are probably thinking about how to hide a conversation on WhatsApp without it being noticed . For this, a new function that we can find in the instant messaging application, which is called Chat Lock and which has just landed this week, can be very useful.

When we lock a conversation with Chat Lock, we will have to enter the pattern or fingerprint to open it.

But also this conversation will not appear in the chat list, which will make it much easier for you to hide an infidelity on WhatsApp. At the top of the list of chats, we will find a button that says Blocked Chats . We will have to click on said button and then enter our fingerprint or our pattern to access the list of blocked conversations.

How to protect WhatsApp with a password so they don’t see my chats if they take my phone

Another way to make sure you don’t get caught easily in a slip is to password protect WhatsApp so they don’t see my chats if they take my phone .

Contrary to other applications, no third-party application is required to set a password for the instant messaging tool. This makes it easier in principle to hide an infidelity on WhatsApp, but also makes the other person suspicious if he sees that we have the application blocked.

We will simply have to go to Settings> Account. Among the different sections that we will see, we will go to Privacy, and check the box that will appear next to Unlock with fingerprint . At that time, to enter WhatsApp it will be necessary to enter the fingerprint, which will make it easier for us to hide an infidelity on WhatsApp.

None of these tricks will ensure that you don’t get caught, the fact that your partner has the application with blocks does not necessarily mean that he is being unfaithful . But if we follow that when the river sounds, water carries, these may be some indications.