155 ways to make gold and silver

The people of ancient India knew the method of making gold. They used to make gold by mixing Parad etc. in a particular mixture, but is it true? It is still a mystery. In ancient India, without any ‘mining’, India had a lot of gold. Tons of gold were kept in temples. Gold chariots were made and the ancient King-Maharaja was loaded with gold jewelery.

It is said that millions of tons of gold are still kept in the Sonagir cave of Bihar. Gauri, Ghazni, Temur and British looters looted millions of tonnes of gold in the medieval period, yet in Indian temples and elsewhere there is still gold from tons. After all, where did the Indian people and kings come from?


In this regard, there were many handwritten documents in ancient and medieval times. Millions of them were either lost or burned. Yet thousands are still safe in a library, museum, ashram or near a particular person. One such handwritten manuscript or book is safe with an ordinary person from Indore , Chauhan . There are 155 methods of making gold and silver in this manuscript or book. In this regard we spoke to Narendra Chauhan and he gave us amazing information. You can also watch the video and know what is the secret of making gold.

Ancient examples of gold making

It is said about Prabhudeva, Vyalacharya, Indradyumna, Ratnagosh, Nagarjuna that they knew the method of making gold from Parad. It is said that the very famous treatise written by Nagarjuna ‘Ras Ratnakar’ has an interesting description at one place in which the dialogue between Shalivahana and Vat Yakshini shows that gold was made in that period.


The dialogue is such that Shalivahana says to Yakshini- ‘O Goddess, I have given these gold and gems to you, now order me.’ On hearing Shalivahana, Yakshini says- ‘I am pleased with you. I will tell you the methods which Mandavya has proved. I will tell you such yogas from which proven mercury turns metals like copper and lead into gold. ‘


A story is also widely discussed about a man named ‘Vyadi’ living in Vikramaditya’s kingdom wasting all his life to learn the mode of making gold. One such anecdote is also of Tarabees and Hembies. It is said that these are the substances from which alchemists used to manufacture silver and gold from ordinary substances. This learning is also known as ‘Hemvati Vidya’.


Modern examples of gold making

In the present era, it is said that Krishnapalaji Sharma of Punjab remembered the method of making gold from mercury. It is mentioned in the ‘Weekly Hindustan’ of November 6, 1983. According to the magazine, in 1942, Krishnapala Sharma of Punjab made about 100 Tola gold in Hrishikesh by mercury.


It is said that at that time Mahatma Gandhi, his secretary Mahadev Bhai Desai and couple Kishore Birla were present there. This incident is also described in the inscription in the Birla temple. Although there is so much truth in this matter, we do not know.


by Abdullah Sam
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