Discover 15 curiosities about garbage and rethink your attitude towards the waste produced in your home.

The remains of human activity that become useless, undesirable and disposable over time are called garbage . Garbage can be generated in domestic work, industrial, hospital, agricultural and even because of technological advances, which make a product obsolete, as is the case with smartphones and TVs discarded annually.

We list some curiosities about these residues from our activity on the planet:

  1. A Brazilian produces, on average, 1 kg of garbage per day. This means that in our country around 250 thousand tons of garbage are produced daily.
  2. São Paulo is the Brazilian city that produces the most garbage.
  3. The Northeast is the region where the largest amount of garbage is located without proper disposal.
  4. More than half of the Brazilian waste is organic, that is, originating from living beings.
  5. Of the total Brazilian waste, only 3% is recycled.
  6. The first dump was created in 500 BC in Athens.
  7. Agbogbloshie is one of the largest electronic dumps in the world. Located in the city of Accra, Ghana, the site is considered the most toxic on the planet.
  8. Henderson is a remote island in the South Pacific with the highest density of plastic waste on the planet. It is estimated that on this island there are around 37.7 million pieces of plastic.
  9. The desivos, labels, masking tape, carbon paper, paper towels and toilet paper, napkins fat, photographs, metallized paper or plasticized are not recyclable.
  10. At sea, a nylon line takes 650 years to decompose.
  11. Recycling a ton of plastic saves 130 kg of oil.
  12. Recycling a ton of paper prevents the death of 40 adult trees.
  13. Recycling aluminum cans uses 95% less energy than making a new one.
  14. When recycling glass, the use is total. A ton of glass produces a ton of glass.
  15. In the incineration process, the waste is burned at temperatures of 800 ºC to 1000 ºC.


by Abdullah Sam
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