15 Examples of Empathy

The examples of empathy are a reflection of the ability of people to understand others who are going through difficult times and thus reach out to them.

What is empathy?

It is the attitude that some individuals have to put themselves in the place of others and understand their way of thinking, acting and even behaving.

Examples of empathy in the family, work and wherever you go

1. Giving the position to a pregnant woman

In general, pregnant women tire faster than others.

Ideally, if you (man or woman) are sitting on the bus, in a square, store, etc., give him the position.

In this way, the empathic person will understand the tiredness and fatigue that the woman can feel from being pregnant for so long.

2. Help an older adult cross the street

Imagine being at an advanced age and not seeing well, incidentally, walking slower than normal.

So, helping older people to cross a street would be the greatest act of kindness that empathy allows us .

3. Show interest, listen, understand…

It is very important that we pay attention to others, who place their trust in telling us their sorrows, happy moments, sadness.

So, showing interest and listening carefully is being empathetic.

4. Share someone’s happiness

It sounds ironic, but being happy for the happiness of others (even if they are strangers) also means having empathy.

Feeling good news that someone has received as your own means that you rejoice in the well-being of others selflessly and with the best intentions.

5. Stop a fight

There are times when people start to fight and intervening to stop that conflict is not only an act of courage but of kindness .

6. Help another to meet their goal

Make yourself felt, disinterested support is very valuable to advance as a society.

If you are looking for examples of empathy in the family, this is the best. The family is a team and helping each other to achieve their goals is the goal.

7. Respect the agreed schedule

We must respect the time of others, if it was agreed to arrive or be in a place until a specific time, it must be complied with.

8. Respect third party ideas

It is known that not all of us have the same way of thinking, however, respect is based on listening and letting others give their point of view.

9. Recognize the efforts of others

Giving encouragement, congratulating and praising are also healthy attitudes for both of you.

10. Stand up to injustice

Do you see someone being a victim of injustice? If it is within your possibilities, intervene, you could be in his place.

Precisely the meaning of empathy speaks of understanding what another feels in a difficult moment, especially when they do not have the means to defend themselves.

11. Helping someone in an incident

Accidents occur daily and although those involved may be unknown, it does not hurt to help them.

If you see a mishap of this type in which not only people but also animals are affected, help them however you can.

12. Feeling sad when seeing someone cry

This is also one of the most common examples of conduct . Feeling sad when seeing someone cry or suffer because of some bad news.

13. Teamwork = respect ideas

Teamwork is essential when the experience and capabilities of several are required.

All contributions are important, so we must learn to respect the ideas of each member to move towards a common goal.

14. Attending charitable works

Having a gesture of empathy is also collaborating with works for the benefit of all.

When we talk about charitable acts we refer to actions to help others overcome difficulties.

For example, to raise funds for the operation of a cancer patient.

15. Help your partner with homework

The examples of empathy at school should be seen as an opportunity to promote moral values .

It is from the classrooms that the men and women of the future are formed, therefore, promoting this value would make this world a healthier and more harmonious place.

Therefore, if you can help your partner to do the homework, do it. It is not about doing the complete job, but about guiding and supporting him.

Empathy analysis

This way of being allows individuals to relate more easily with other people, in addition to feeling pleasure in every aspect of their life.

Empathetic people are characterized by having sincere and lasting friendships, which gives a balance to their emotional state.

Psychology experts consider that this is a way of being unique to each person and that, although everyone is empathic, sometimes this characteristic is hidden.

Some characteristics of empathy

  • The fact of putting yourself in the place of another and understanding what you feel promotes social sensitivity.
  • It allows you to recognize when someone needs help, remember, not everything is said with words, sometimes a look or a gesture says more.
  • Its flag is listening to understand.
  • Empathetic people do not judge by the opinions of others, on the contrary, they show respect for their way of thinking or acting.
  • One of the benefits of empathyis that it allows you to understand other points of view without having to give up your own opinion.

Examples of how to be empathic

Yes, empathy can be developed, so we leave some recommendations.

to. Not judge

Understanding and understanding the frustration of others, not judging who we have in front of us.

b. Think of someone important to you

Analyze when that person might need you.

c. What happens to my friend?

Think about what could happen to your friend, partner, co-worker or student.

d. motivational message

What you say is also very important, study how you can help improve someone’s situation through a message of encouragement.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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