We present some examples of widely used recognitions , especially in the labor field, and its popularity is related to the multiple benefits it offers.
Acknowledgments are practices that allow us to highlight something positive that has been done, either at a personal or work level .
Importance of recognitions
Using recognition has a powerful effect on every individual, but especially for workers in any area in which they work.
Recent studies have identified that more than 75% of companies use some type of recognition system , which generates a greater sense of belonging to the employee.
In most cases, those who decide to quit their jobs do so because they do not feel recognized or taken into account.
In addition, it is important to highlight that recognition in the workplace should not only be from the authorities to the employees, but also among the colleagues themselves.
Some benefits identified in the use of recognitions are:
- Increased motivation in workers
- Better job performance
- Decreased frustration levels
- Greater sense of satisfaction
- Positive impact on the organizational climate
Types of labor recognitions
There are different recognition programs that can be applied in companies, both directly driven towards goals and to provide greater motivation to the worker as an individual.
On the one hand, we find recognition of people, recognition of good practices, recognition of effort and recognition of goal achievement.
Recommendations for the use of recognitions
There are some conditions for the recognition system to be much more effective in the company and meet the objectives of its application.
In the first place, regularity, that is, it should not be something isolated and occur occasionally, but permanently, at least once a month.
Sometimes it must be used immediately, for example, after presenting a quality work, so that it does not lose its effect.
Finally, being specific in the recognition, highlighting in a particular way what the worker is being recognized for and not simply as a general congratulation.
Examples of Public Labor Recognitions
The recognitions can be applied in different modalities, in this case reference is made to those that are public, that is, in which all company personnel are aware.
1. Employee of the month
It is a way to highlight the performance of a worker and use him as an example or model for his colleagues.
This can be applied by making your name visible, giving you an incentive, be it a bonus or some detail from the organization.
2. Applause in meeting
Another practice of public recognition would be to invite the rest of the employees to applaud during a meeting to whom you want to give recognition for their work.
3. Wall of fame
It consists of locating a space, preferably accessible to all personnel, in which a photo of the person to be recognized publicly will be placed.
Examples of private labor recognitions
Combining public acknowledgments with others in private is an excellent way to continue motivating the worker, it also allows for a more personalized approach.
4. Sticky notes
One way to do a private acknowledgment can be to use sticky notes to leave a positive message, either on your desk or your work area.
5. 1-on-1 meetings
These spaces can be an excellent opportunity to recognize the effort and work that the worker has been doing.
Examples of labor recognitions and incentives
Incentives allow not only to provide recognition but also to accompany it with something, whether tangible or not, that reinforces and provides satisfaction as a reward for the effort shown.
6. Free day
An example of an easy-to-apply incentive would be granting days off, allowing the worker to have a space to rest and disconnect from the work routine.
7. Wellness day
This example of an incentive allows rewarding even all employees at the same time, as a kind of collective recognition and a way to motivate everyone equally.
8. Breakfast or lunch special
A space to share a delicious meal is another example of an incentive that also reinforces the sense of belonging and allows a closer relationship between co-workers.
Examples of awards for work teams
In some companies, different work teams can be formed to which a joint recognition can be given to encourage them and be examples to the rest of the colleagues.
9. Team Trophy
In this case, the aim is to encourage the work team in a humorous way, recognizing the performance of one of its members who will win the team trophy.
This trophy may well be something made by the workers themselves, contain sweets or stuffed animals that are in turn attractive and promote a sense of camaraderie.
10. Special ride
Another example of acknowledging the work team would be to give them a day trip to a place of interest where they can share a different work day.
These spaces can be used to carry out dynamics, as well as self-care activities that strengthen the bond between team members.
In addition, these activities contribute greatly to reducing stress and daily tensions that can be generated on a daily basis.
Example of virtual recognitions
In some companies, remote work is common and many times this distancing can generate apathy and a lack of commitment to the organization.
Using recognition for employees even in virtual spaces is a way to help them not slow down and feel satisfied with their work.
11. Online parties
They allow sharing a different space in which games and dynamics can be included to get to know each other better and be in tune with the company, its culture and values.
12. Recognition Software
There are programs specifically designed to generate recognition for workers, either by sending trophies, messages or virtual medals as prizes.