10 ways to increase creativity

Creativity is like an organ of our body. Experts say that just as you need to eat nutritious food and exercise regularly, you need to practice to increase your creativity. Every human being is born with some creativity of his own. If you can keep your inner ‘artist’ awake, make him more, you will surely enjoy life. Whatever your subject of study, be it geography or electrical engineering; No matter who you are in your career, bank staff or researcher, that creativity will surely put you ahead in your career. Hollywood actor, singer, dancer, writer and acting instructor Bernard Hiller has given 10 tips on which exercises increase people’s creativity.

  1. Dance:
    ‘Dance’ has been a part of human experience for thousands of years. You celebrate life through dance. You make contact with the gifts that life has given you. Through dance you will feel the vibrancy of creativity hidden inside you. Because all the questions you are looking for answers are hidden in your body. Remember, nothing happens without moving.

Singing helps to bring out the inner voice of the mind. From a young age, people around you will try to impose their views on you, trying to take away your own thoughts. Life depends on the ability to communicate. How do you communicate with people? That will tell you how you are living. You must have a strong voice to articulate your wants and demands.

  1. Take a deep breath.
    Breathing means you are not exhausted. The deeper you breathe, the deeper you will perceive life. Listen to your breathing for 15 minutes every day. As it has many physical benefits, it will also give you peace of mind. If you take a deep breath you will be able to understand the surroundings, understand what is happening to you, why it is happening. If you want to be successful in life, first of all you have to know what obstacles are stopping me.

    4. Listen to
    music Music touches our feelings. We find similarities between the vibrations of life and the vibrations of music. The song helps to feel the unseen world away from the visible world. Music also helps to stabilize the mind.

  2. Spend time with nature
    Nature connects you to this universe. As you get closer to nature, you realize how huge you are as part of something. The world is much bigger than you know! The touch of nature helps to understand both outer and inner beauty. The natural environment teaches us to look at life from a new perspective.

. Draw pictures
If you draw pictures, all the ‘ideas’ that you had no idea existed will pop into your head. If you keep a notebook with you at all times to draw pictures, you can quickly memorize any new creative idea that comes to mind.

. Wake up your inner
child Children believe that everything is possible. They live in the present all the time. Looks at everything in a positive light and is not afraid to believe the imagination. One of the ways to enjoy life is to have ‘children’ for life. Young children discover something or other at every moment. Keep your inner child awake. Believe that everything is possible. Then you can enjoy life.

. Create happy occasions
It is very important to have joy in life. One of the main reasons why people don’t succeed is that we don’t spend a lot of time creating happy moments in life. Create at least three happy moments each day. When you are unhappy, the path to your creativity is blocked. Creative thoughts end up inside you. Happiness opens the door to all the possibilities inside you.

  1. Trust in Instincts
    Your instincts will guide you to creativity. Believe in yourself. Fearlessly follow your innovative thinking. Only then will you find the purpose and meaning of survival.
  2. Smile
    of the body helps to keep the digestive system active smile. Laughter gives you more energy and relieves stress. For those who are suffering from a serious illness, doctors encourage them to smile. You should smile at least one hour every day. There are also some social benefits to smiling. If you look around, you can see that people with a sense of humor can quickly build good relationships with people. Their lives attract people. You can’t enjoy life without laughter.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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