10 ways physical activity can change your life for the better

Make physical activity can positively change your life. It is always the right time to practice sports and to start doing more movement since the benefits are truly numerous. Especially if we work in the office, we spend many hours sitting and we move little, practicing physical activity regularly is essential.Our body is made to move and as we know unfortunately sedentary lifestyle is leading to a huge spread of chronic diseases which in reality we could prevent quite easily thanks to healthy movement combined with regular physical activity.

Here’s how physical activity can change your life for the better .


Disease prevention

Regular physical activity prevents 40 chronic diseases and for this reason it is considered a real medicine . In particular, physical activity prevents diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases and depression.

Benefits for the heart

Yoga and other physical activities guarantee important benefits for the heart which remains well functioning thanks to the fact that we decide to get moving on a regular basis. We ban laziness, it is our heart that asks for it.

Lose weight

But how much physical activity is needed to tone up the body and say goodbye to the extra pounds ? It takes 30 minutes a day . So if you feel the need to lose weight remember that you should always combine regular physical activity with healthy eating.

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Benefits for the brain

In addition to the heart, exercising is very beneficial for the brain . In particular, running is a real cure for the brain and the whole body. Furthermore, exercising would help prevent Alzheimer’s, as physical activity keeps the brain young and contributes to the formation of new brain cells.

Stimulate endorphins

Physical activity helps the body release endorphins . The feeling of well-being experienced by sportsmen during training for some time had been related to psychological reasons, but later science has realized that the release of endorphins associated with a workout (of at least thirty minutes) has neurochemical causes. In short, doing physical activity is a real cure-all for a good mood.

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Maybe you didn’t know that to live longer you need to take at least 5000 steps a day . If you don’t have much time to devote yourself to a sport every day, don’t forget to walk as much as possible and maybe bring a pedometer with you to keep track of your progress.

Improve immune defenses

Maybe you didn’t know that doing physical activity and that dedicating yourself to something simple and within everyone’s reach such as brisk walking helps improve our immune defenses. When the immune defenses are strong, we stay healthy longer because we are able to ward off diseases.

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Benefits for the sight

Among the many physical activities that we can carry out to keep fit, pedaling is not missing . So then we must not forget that cycling is good for the eyes and the brain. In particular, motor activity has positive effects on the plasticity of the visual system.

Tone your muscles

Do you think that your muscles are not well toned or do you generally need to tone your body? If you don’t have time to go to the gym regularly you could experience a home workout, a real workout to follow with the video advice of the many personal trainers active on YouTube. Exercise in general in addition to toning the muscles promotes flexibility.

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Self-esteem and new friendships

Finally, let’s not forget that physical activity has benefits not only on our body but also on our self-esteem and on our relationship life. When we feel fit, we have greater self-esteem, self-esteem rises and we are more likely to be friends with others and to create relationships with new people. Also just attending courses in the gym can help us join a group and make friends with others.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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