10 most carcinogenic foods to avoid

The 10 most carcinogenic foods to avoid or limit


AVOCDecember 1, 2014Newsfoods to avoid , cancer , harmful foods , proper nutrition , cancer prevention

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The 10 most carcinogenic foods that it would be better to avoid or, in some cases, limit to prevent the appearance of different forms of cancer, from colon cancer to mouth cancer, from leukemia to breast cancer. Here is the top ten of the worst enemies, at least according to the most recent scientific evidence on the subject, of cancer prevention .


1. Hydrogenated fats

Not just a food, but a dangerous ingredient that unites several, hydrogenated fats are found in particular in industrial baked goods , such as snacks and biscuits, and in margarine. Better to check the label of each food before buying.


2. Red meat

For some time now, red meat has been singled out as a sworn enemy of the body’s health and a possible risk factor for the appearance of various types of cancer. Better, therefore, if it really cannot be avoided, to limit its consumption to 300 grams per week.


3. Canned foods

Thanks to the high content of preservatives and salt, canned foods are not exactly the prototype of the panacea for health. Indeed, better, if possible, always prefer fresh and seasonal foods.

4. Sugary drinks

Carbonated and sugary drinks  , industrially produced soft drinks are loaded with sugar and sweeteners, such as the dangerous aspartame, but also with dyes and other food additives that are not exactly allies of health. To be avoided or, at least, to be limited by carefully choosing the least harmful products by reading the label.

5. The nut food

Used and abused to flavor many foods, the nut , thanks to its glutamate content , rightfully enters the list of foods that should be avoided due to its ability to increase the risk of cancer.

6. Salt

Enemy of health for various reasons, salt not only negatively affects the functioning of the cardiovascular system , increasing the risk of hypertension and heart attack , but it is also one of the risk factors for the onset of stomach cancer.

7.   Sausages

Sausages , especially those of industrial production and long  life, can endanger health. In particular, according to some recent research, they could be responsible, if consumed too often, for the increase in the incidence of colon cancer.

8. preserved meats

Not only are they not exactly gourmet foods, preserved meat , canned or similar, thanks to the preservative chemicals they contain, can increase the risk of being victims of various types of cancer.

9. Alcohol

In addition to increasing the risk of liver cirrhosis and cardiovascular problems, frequent and massive consumption of alcoholic beverages also negatively affects the incidence of oncological diseases. In fact, ethanol increases the risk of cancer of the mouth, pharynx, larynx and esophagus. The recommended limit is two glasses of wine a day for men and one for women.

10. French fries

Delicious on the palate, but harmful to health: French fries increase more than you think, especially if they are eaten often, the risk of the appearance of cancer affecting the gastrointestinal tract. Among the culprits is the carcinogen in potato chips, acrylamide.


by Abdullah Sam
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