10 difference between the rich and the poor

You are saving, planning, sacrificing some things, but why can’t you make your dreams come true? It’s simple: the difference between the rich and the poor will determine how successful you become.

When we talk about what is rich and poor, we are not referring to possessions or a lot of money, we are talking about the thought of ensuring an abundant life in every way.

To have a poor thought, for the investor market, is to think small and not be happy with your attitudes and plans.

In this post, you will understand the difference between the rich and the poor and how it can determine your entire future. Not only financial, but emotional.

Here, you will learn how to follow a healthy path in search of success that will make you a successful investor in all areas of your life.

Find out how to save efficiently and optimally with rich thinking:

The difference between the poor and the rich

Some thoughts and attitudes can make a difference when you become a successful person, an investor with great results.

These thoughts and attitudes may seem like bullshit, but they are things in your daily life that will make that difference.

Thus, making savings is not synonymous with guaranteeing success. You need to know where to save and how to save, in the right way. Find out what rich thinking and poor thinking are like:


The difference between the poor and the rich is very clear in this respect. It is an economy that seems small, but it makes all the difference in the end.

Whoever has poor thinking makes a list of grocery stores, but cannot follow it and finds some way to add more items. And many people don’t even make the list for the supermarket.

He decides to put one more chocolate, one pizza and, little by little, he no longer has control over what he is buying.

When you have a rich thought, the supermarket list is a priority and there is no shortcut. This is a very important step for you to maintain discipline and not have unnecessary expenses.

When the salary enters

When the salary falls in your account, do you already want to spend? This is a poor man’s thought. Thoughts like “the salary went in, I will buy what I wanted” without planning, it is a poor economy.

The rich man knows exactly how much he will enter and where every penny of his salary goes, he has separated each amount for the accounts, for investing and for leisure.

When leaving home

It sounds silly, but it is very important at the end of the month. The economy of rich preserves the small details, turns off the light before leaving, see if there is any appliance connected, check if there is any faucet dripping.


The rich do not invest their time with toxic people. He has a mindset to surround himself with people who help build positive thoughts.


The poor do not invest money and believe that saving is the way in which it will generate profitability.

The rich man, on the other hand, seeks to invest, diversifying his investment portfolio.


The difference between the rich and the poor is present in the way he seeks knowledge about everything, especially about finance.

The rich man studies and researches on investments, acquires knowledge and has property when talking about his money.

The poor, on the other hand, have little desire to study and follow what friends are saying about investments. Follow the advice of someone who has already invested, without first knowing if that investment is right for them.

When dealing with unforeseen events

Another difference between the poor and the rich is how to be prepared for unforeseen events. The rich man has an emergency reserve to be prepared for unforeseen events.

The poor cannot save their money for these situations, which is quite wrong for anyone who wants to become an investor.

Loving what you do

The rich man loves what he does and does what he loves, puts his will and dedication into his work and does what he loves. He seeks to feel fulfilled in his routine and only stays where he feels good.

These are the main differences between the rich and the poor when it comes to dealing with economics and finance.

Here on our portal, you will find an article on The Law of Triumph, a book by Napoleon Hill, which talks about how successful people think. This is a great help for you on this journey. Read here.

Saving as rich

We have prepared some tips to let you know how to save like a rich man and succeed with your money.

When you receive money and don’t know what to do. If you pay the bills or save money. If you invest or buy something you need. This means that you need to learn how to control your money to save.

So the formula is quite easy:

  • When you receive your salary, save 15% for the future. It is ideal that you invest this money so that it pays in the future.
  • For monthly expenses, you will reserve 50% of your salary. Enter electricity bills, water, telephone, internet and so on.
  • The remaining 35% you use for leisure, hobbies and to use with you.

With this formula, you will move towards financial stability more easily and quickly. There is no point in earning more if you do not know how to control your money.

So put those percentages into practice when your salary drops. You will notice a big difference.

The golden tip

To think like a rich man, it is important to have mastery over financial and market issues. So, our tip is to do the training we have.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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