10 benefits of being single

Lack of a partner is seen by many as a severe deficit. But is it really so? Boh !.

The fact is that if you think about it, being single means enjoying a whole series of cheeky benefits that can comfort you when you cry in the shower from loneliness.

Here is the list of benefits of being single

# 1. You can eat potato chips and tomato sauce in bed without anyone breaking your soul

#2. You can cut your nails on the coffee table and leave the corpses there

# 3. You can watch porn while eating carbonara

# 4. You can eat your nose boogers without fear of someone seeing you

# 5. You always watch the movie you like

# 6. You can shit with the door open

# 7. You can also try it with Ikea bedside tables

# 8. Nobody points your cold feet on your back under the covers

# 9. You can do without washing

# 10. No lunches with parents other than yours

# 11. Nobody steals your blanket when you sleep

# 12. Free belch

# 13. Nobody steals your last piece of chocolate in the fridge

# 14. You don’t have to remember any anniversaries, just the names of your favorite porn stars

# 15. At Christmas, the most important gift you need to give is to yourself

# 16. The biggest disappointment you can feel is watching Jon Snow die

# 17. You can masturbate standing naked in the living room yelling “I’m watering can!”

# 18. You can play the playstation for 48 hours without anyone reminding you that you have to eat

# 19. You can convince yourself that you can fuck whoever you want

# 20. You are happy


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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