How Many Irregular Bones Are In Human Body?

They are 39  Irregular Bones  in human body.These include the vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx, the temporal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones, and the bones of the face, except the nasal, lachrymal, and vomer.

The human body is composed of 206 bones in total. Out of these 206, the irregular bones account for a small percentage. There are approximately 29 irregular bones in the human body. These bones can be found in various parts of the body, including the spine, face, and pelvis.

Irregular Bones in the Spine

The spine, also known as the vertebral column, is a crucial component of the skeletal system. It provides support, stability, and protects the spinal cord. Within the spine, there are 26 irregular bones known as vertebrae. These vertebrae can be further classified into five regions: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal.

  • Cervical Vertebrae: There are 7 cervical vertebrae located in the neck region.
  • Thoracic Vertebrae: The thoracic region consists of 12 vertebrae that attach to the ribs.
  • Lumbar Vertebrae: The lower back is supported by 5 lumbar vertebrae.
  • Sacral Vertebrae: The sacrum is composed of 5 fused vertebrae.
  • Coccygeal Vertebrae: Lastly, there are 4 coccygeal vertebrae, commonly known as the tailbone.

Irregular Bones in the Face

The face plays a crucial role in expressing emotions, communicating, and interacting with the world. It consists of several irregular bones that form the framework of the facial structure.

  • Mandible: The mandible, commonly known as the jawbone, is the only movable bone in the skull.
  • Maxilla: The maxilla forms the upper jaw and holds the upper teeth in place.
  • Zygomatic: The zygomatic bones, often referred to as the cheekbones, are responsible for providing depth and structure to the face.
  • Nasal: The nasal bones contribute to the formation of the bridge of the nose.
  • Lacrimal: Located near the inner corner of the eye, the lacrimal bones are the smallest bones in the skull.
  • Vomer: The vomer forms the nasal septum, dividing the nose into two nostrils.

Irregular Bones in the Pelvis

The pelvis is an essential part of the skeletal system as it supports the weight of the upper body and connects the spine to the lower limbs. It consists of several irregular bones that are fused together.

  • Ilium: The ilium is the largest and uppermost bone of the pelvis, forming the hip bone.
  • Ischium: The ischium forms the lower and back part of the pelvis, commonly known as the “sit bones.”
  • Pubis: The pubic bone is located at the front of the pelvis and helps form the pubic symphysis.


Irregular bones, although lesser in number compared to other types of bones, are integral to the human body’s structure and function. With a total of approximately 29 irregular bones, they can be found in the spine, face, and pelvis. Understanding the different types and locations of these irregular bones contributes to our overall knowledge of the human body and its remarkable complexity.

by Abdullah Sam
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