Zang organs and Fu viscera

Zang organs and Fu guts. It is the generic name of the internal organs of the body that includes 5 organs, 6 viscera and the extraordinary organs. These organs act from the physical and emotional point of view. When studying this theory, we assume that physiological functions are altered, producing pathological changes in each of these organs, with the consequent appearance of disease due to the interrelationships between them.


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  • 1 Features
  • 2 Classification
    • 1 Five organs (Zang)
    • 2 Six viscera (Fu)
    • 3 Extraordinary organs
  • 3 Function of the Zang organs
  • 4 Physiological functions of the Fu organs
  • 5 Sources


In the West, the terms viscera and organs are equivalent, for Chinese medicine they are classified taking into account the Yin or Yang character, which depends fundamentally on its shape and the nature of the functions it performs.

The five Zang organs are: heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys; The six Fu viscera are: stomach, gallbladder, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and triple function. Also, within the category of Zang organs is the pericardium.

These organs and viscera are found inside the body, and have different shapes and functions. The five organs are active, produce and store the energy necessary for the maintenance of life and, as needed, supply it to the entire organism. Therefore, they do not have great changes in shape, dimensions and consistency, and their activities belong to Yin.

The six viscera are hollow, tubular in shape. They participate in the functions of digestion, absorption and transformation, and in the transfer of food and excretion substances. Therefore, they are modified according to needs, their activities and functions, that is, they increase their dimensions and activities, therefore, they belong to the Yang.


‘ They are classified into:

Five organs (Zang)

  • Heart- pericardium
  • Lung
  • Spleen
  • Kidney
  • Liver

Six viscera (Fu)

  • Small intestine
  • Large intestine
  • Bladder
  • Gallbladder
  • Stomach
  • Triple function

Extraordinary organs

  • Brain
  • Marrow
  • Bones
  • Blood vessels
  • Uterus

Function of the Zang organs


  • It commands blood and blood vessels, consciousness, mental activities, and perspiration.
  • It is reflected in the language.
  • It is closely related to the kidneys, lungs, liver and spleen, and has external and internal relationships with the small intestine.


  • Covers and protects the heart.
  • It has external and internal relations with the triple function.


  • It stores blood and regulates the amount that circulates, defends, purifies and excretes.
  • It is related to muscles, tendons, nails and also to the eyes, spleen, stomach, gallbladder , kidneys, heart and lungs.
  • Reflect emotions.


  • They preserve the vital essence, they command the vital fire, the water and the inspirational energy of the lungs.
  • They are closely related to bones, bone marrow , brain, hair, ears, anus, and reproductive organs, and closely related to the lung, spleen, and liver, and have internal and external relations with the bladder.


  • They regulate energy, regulate blood circulation, energy and channel water, and command the skin.
  • They are externalized through the nose and are related to the larynx, hairs and the intonation of the voice.
  • They are linked to the heart, liver, spleen, kidney and have internal and external relations with the large intestine.


  • It participates in digestion and supplies the nutritive substances to the whole organism, commands hematopoiesis, intervenes very actively in the absorption and excretion of moisture in the human body and controls the blood.
  • It has a very close relationship with the muscles of the limbs, the mouth and the lips and intimately with other organs: heart, liver, lung, kidney and stomach, it has internal and external relations with the stomach.

Physiological functions of the Fu organs


  • It intervenes in the process of digesting food.
  • It is closely related to the spleen.

Small intestine:

  • Absorbs nutrients, and moisture, evacuates liquid-solid waste.
  • It is closely related to the heart.

Large intestine:

  • Absorbs liquids from digested foods and transports the remains to excrete.
  • It is related to the lungs, too, and very closely, to the small intestine, spleen, and stomach.


  • Stores and evacuates bile and influences mental activities.
  • It is related to the liver externally-internally.


  • Stores and excretes urine, and is involved in increasing and decreasing the amount of fluid in the body.
  • It is closely related to the spleen, the lungs, the triple function, the small intestine and the kidneys.

San Jiao −triple function

  • Through the upper Jiao, it generalizes the function of controlling the transport of QI and XUE, through the function of the heart and lung.
  • Through the medium Jiao generalizes the function of controlling the digestion and absorption of food and nutrients through the spleen and stomach.
  • Through the lower Jiao it controls the metabolism of water and the storage and evacuation of urine through the kidney and bladder.


by Abdullah Sam
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