Writing With Style:A Complete Guide For Writers And Students

your personal writing with style is the way you present yourself to the world, from your hairstyle  to the things you like to do, from your taste in jeans to your expressions. Your style helps establish your place in the world.it may be your style to blend in, to be part of the crowd, while the next person may want to stand out. Either way is okay; that’s style.

Your writing style says something about you, too, but not in the f as your hairstyle and clothes do. This style presents your inward thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.And you’ll be glad to know that, for the most part, it will develop naturally as you continue to write, hew ever, a few things that you can do right now to help improve your writing style—as you will see in the pages ahead.

Developing A Sense of Style Will Explore Your Inner Writing With Style Behavior

Here’s how your style,your special way of saying something can best develop:

Write clearly.  This is one of the most important principles of style. It is also one of the hardest to follow.

Strive for simplicity.  White advises writers to “approach style by way of simplicity, plainness, orderliness, and sincerity.” That’s good advice from a writer who oozes with style.

Know when to cut.  And as writer Kurt Vonnegut says, “Have the guts to do it.” Give the axes to sentences that don’t support your main point and any words or phrases that don’t strengthen your sentences.

Acquire a writer’s sixth sense. Know when your writing needs work. Watch for groups of sentences that sound too much alike and individual sentences that hang limp like wet wash.

Be specific. Writing without specific details is like baking bread without yeast. One of the most important ingredients is missing. But be careful not to overdo the detail. Your writing may sound forced.

Write with specific nouns and verbs. Specific nouns (Godzilla) and verbs (lunged) give your writing energy. Writing with general nouns (creature) and weak verbs (is, are, was, were) forces you to use a lot of modifiers.

Write active, forward-moving sentences.  Make it clear in your sentences that your subject is actually doing something.

Studying Sentences With Style: 5 Practical Examples You Must Know

Professional writers usually work rather unscientifically. They go with what feels right in the heat of writing. Of course, when they revise special attention to sentences that don’t work for rewriting them many times until the sentences do.Generally, your favorite authors write in a relaxed, some what informal style. This style is characterized by sentences of different types and lengths.

 Types of Sentences

The four special types of sentences listed below add a lot of style to , Bans for these types when you read, and practice writing your own versions.

A loose sentence expresses the main idea near the beginning in the regular print and adds explanatory details as needed.

will nodded to  himself and slipped away, softly as a mouse, toward the back of the house of the house where tourists were never taken.”

A balance sentence includes two or more parts equal in structure, which means that the parts are parallel. (The parallel parts are under lined example below.)

He goes out onto his baseball field, spins around second base, and looks back at the academy.”

A Periodic sentence holds back the most important idea until the end.

The hidden in a maze  of axles, wheels and springs, it was difficult for policemen or trainmen to find him.”

A Cumulative sentence adds life to the main clause (in regular lading modifiers before it, after it, or in the middle of it.

All that  winter in the new house, Raymond sat around talking about becoming Dining a big-time farmer, raising lots of kids, making plenty of money and being his own man.

by Abdullah Sam
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