How to write an essay-argumentative essay

The essay-argumentative essay is the most charged in entrance exams and competitions in the country.

During high school, it is important that several textual productions are carried out so that students can master this genre of writing and, thus, enter higher education or pass that long-awaited contest.

The National High School Exam (ENEM) assesses how students are doing when they leave this stage of basic education, and selects candidates to enter public or private higher education. In this test, a textual production of this kind is always charged.

The subjects for the exam papers are chosen according to national and world news, presenting a proposal with some data and facts to be used in the essay.

In 2015, for example, the theme was “The persistence of violence against women in Brazilian society”. As you can see in the image below,  the proposal and  instructions for writing, and some texts to assist in the elaboration of the argument were presented.

Structure of the essay-argumentative text

To prepare a text of this format, it is necessary to follow its structure. See below each of the aspects that connect with the beginning, middle and end of the text:

  1. Introduction

In the introduction, you should present, in a paragraph, what the theme of the essay is , create a thesis according to your point of view and explain what will be the arguments that will support this thesis.

Example: “The habit of recording with photos everything that happens in our lives has become more and more constant (thesis). On the one hand, it is interesting to be able to share everything we experience with others, in addition to being able to keep it as records to access our memories (argument 1). On the other hand, many end up detaching themselves from the moment of occurrence of the facts due to the concern to show to others what we should appreciate at the moment that occurred (argument 2) ”.


2) Development

In the development you must present the data and facts that support your thesis through the arguments presented.

The ideal is to elaborate between one and two paragraphs, each of which is reserved for one of the arguments presented.

3) Conclusion

In conclusion, you must resume the thesis presented succinctly, usually by using conjunctions such as: therefore, however and nevertheless.

At this point, you must prepare a closure for your text, so that you will need to create an intervention proposal  for the topic.

Guidelines on the essay-argumentative text

In addition to the structure, it is good to pay attention to the following  particularities of this type of text:

  • P rimeiramente, it is  important to organize the ideas for the elaboration of the text.
  • Write legibly, with good handwriting.
  • Observe the delimitation of the paragraphs correctly and remember to structure the text showing the beginning, middle and end.
  • Write your dissertative-argumentative text in an impersonal way , that is, in 3rd person, because, despite being a text that shows a point of view, the ‘I’ must be distanced to give more credibility to the text, being prohibited the use of expressions as “in my opinion”, “I think”, “for me”.
  • Be clear and objective, it is not necessary to create a lyrical text with difficult words, as this will hinder the attempt to convince your reader about your point of view.
  • Pay attention to grammar and spelling rules so you don’t miss and miss points in writing.
  • Maintain cohesion, coherence and chronological order of ideas. Try not to contradict yourself at any time.
  • Always make a draft so that you can read and proofread your text so as not to erase it on the official sheet.
  • Keep the habit of reading and writing, in addition to being attuned to world news.

Following this advice and  using your creativity, with special attention to the rules of writing in the Portuguese language, you will write 1000 note essays!


by Abdullah Sam
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