World Braille Day

The World Braille Day is on 4 January since 2019.


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  • 1 Objective
  • 2 Braille system
  • 3 The date
  • 4 Sources


  • Raise awareness of the importance of braille as a means of communication for the full realization of human rights for the blind and visually impaired.

Braille system

Main article: Braille system .

It is an alphabetic system in relief devised to represent letters, punctuation marks, numbers, scientific writing, mathematical symbols, music.

This writing system is used by people who are blind or visually impaired to read the same books and periodicals as printed for visual reading and to ensure the communication of important information to themselves and others and represents competence, independence and equality.

It consists of cells of six raised points, organized as a matrix of three rows by two columns, which are conventionally numbered from top to bottom and from left to right. The presence or absence of dots allows the coding of the symbols. Through these six points, 64 different combinations are obtained.

There are also special distinguishing signs to convert to a capital letter, italic, number or musical note.

The date

In December 2018 when the UN recognized and declared World Braille Day, to be celebrated every January 4, highlighting multilingualism, as a basic value of the United Nations.

The date has been chosen because it coincides with the birth date of the creator of the tactile reading and writing system, Louis Braille , on January 4, 1809 in France who was left blind due to an accident during his childhood while playing in the workshop his father’s. Later it was based on the system invented by a military man named Charles Barbier de la Serre , and he reinvented this language based first on an 8-point matrix and then on 6.

by Abdullah Sam
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