Workplace Harassment

Workplace bullying is a set of bad practices carried out by colleagues or superiors towards a worker. This affects the harassed individual, reducing their productivity.

In other words, workplace harassment is a situation in which a person is being harassed inside their workplace. This psychological abuse can be from other employees who are at the same level or from superiors (bosses).

In this sense, when labor harassment is by bosses it is known as bossing and when it is by peers located at the same level it is called mobbing.

Causes of workplace harassment

Although there are very different causes of workplace harassment, in general, we can highlight the following:

  • Not have social skills.
  • Not having a good relationship with superiors.
  • Superiors with very authoritarian personality.
  • Lack of selfesteem.
  • Lack of a good organizational climate.
  • Manifestation of personal problems in the attitude towards work.
  • Refusal to participate in certain situations proposed by the company.

Apart from the above causes, we could also highlight some as superiors who show envy over their subordinates or who have a predilection for some workers over others.

For example, if a company is forced by financial matters to lay off staff, some bosses force through labor harassment that certain “unwanted” workers leave their jobs. In this way, they get another person to keep that position.

Consequences of workplace harassment

Similarly, these causes have direct consequences on the professional and personal life of the victim:

  • Low productivityof the harassed worker.
  • Transform work problems into personal problems.
  • Damage to the reputation of the company.
  • Fear on the part of other workers.
  • The desired results in the mission and vision of the organizationare not achieved .
  • High turnover of staff that entails higher training expenses.
  • Less innovation and proposal of ideas.

Thus, workers who are harassed, and even their own colleagues when they see the situation, are less encouraged to give their best. In addition, these problems, as we have already indicated, may end up leading to others of a personal nature.

For example, someone who suffers workplace harassment might end up thinking that their work has no value. This could directly affect your mood and relationship with your loved ones.


Imagine a situation in which a company is reducing personnel. However, instead of directly firing less productive workers, they are overloaded with tasks, moved to smaller offices and excluded from certain decisions.

With the above, the company wants the employee to resign. This may happen, for example, because the cost of firing someone, for the compensation that must be paid, may be greater than accepting their resignation. Then, the firm seeks to force the latter.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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