Will we remain friends?

Many young people, and probably not only young people, found themselves in such a difficult phase of relationships as “let’s stay friends”. What kind of friends? Why? What happened in those few minutes or days? When your feelings are on the rise, what can hit harder? Get offended and leave forever or beg for mercy? Let’s try to figure it out.

To begin with, it is important to understand the quality of your new state.

The following outcomes are most often implied:

  1. Termination of any close relationship is assumed, but full preservation of friendly relations.
  2. It is supposed to part with the preservation of unobtrusive friendly communication.
  3. Complete termination of any relationship is assumed.

It’s all

When your partner has matured such a decision and what pushed him to such a step, it will hardly be possible to find out. The solution could ripen latently, accumulating for months, or it could be formed at once.

Perhaps your crush has blocked your attention, and you did not respond to signals coming from all sides. It is good, of course, to analyze previously unnoticed signs and, at least roughly guess, about the reason for the termination of the romantic phase.

Your girlfriend can set you such a stop light at any time. The weaker sex tends to think in images that are sometimes incomprehensible to men.

Women, in fact, tend not to make decisions quickly. They do not want to offend you with a categorical refusal, so they choose an allegorical form of parting through the formula – friends.

How to be?

If, at least in principle, there is a possibility of renewal of the connection, you will have to develop a strategic operation to return your girlfriend. If the second scenario develops, first of all, it will be necessary to break off contacts for six months.

Completely disappear from her horizon, without an opportunity for her to remind of herself. You will have to fight your feelings, because you hope to get her back in the future. There is no certainty of success, but you will definitely change.

Devote all this time to changing yourself, choose a different social circle, clothes, maybe completely change your image. Do something different that you haven’t done before. Change, and at the next meeting, she will definitely note the change.

Watch her reaction and correct your line. When you rise to the level of friendship again, try to disappear again. Check for new interest in you when she starts looking for you.

Renewed interest means moving on to the next stage of your operation. Try to provoke mild jealousy at first, remind you that you are friends. Don’t stop communicating with her like a friend. Consult on amorous matters, but do not bend it, you can provoke the opposite reaction, lose it forever.

Will into a fist

The development of events according to the first scenario will require remarkable volitional efforts. We’ll have to disappear and reappear periodically. Agree to any terms of the relationship. You cannot disappear for a long time.

Be friends to the fullest, do not even try to switch to another relationship. Attend all sorts of events, parties together, accompany wherever you want, get carried away by her hobbies. She should constantly feel your friendly shoulder and get used to its constant presence.

Move on to the next stage, when the interest in your presence becomes constant, she will already call up and invite you.

It’s time to get out of sight and communication for a while. Use the break for a change, for example, in your image. Come back not expected, call for a walk or drop in for a visit, as if you did not disappear.

If the contact is not broken, but intensified, try to move to the next level. Accidental touch, hand support, hair straightening, any movement to get closer. At this point, you will understand the urge to move into a new relationship.

An attempt by partners to translate relations into a friendly plane does not always mean a final collapse. Perhaps your partner is trying to understand himself in this way. Do not bother him, but do not give up if you are sure of the firmness of your feelings.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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