Width (dimension)

Width. The smallest dimension of flat figures is called; the corresponding largest dimension is length.


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  • 1 Origin of the term
  • 2 Definition
    • 1 Synonyms of width
    • 2 Antonyms of width
    • 3 Examples of use and phrases
  • 3 Dimensions
  • 4 Sources

Origin of the term

The term width has its origin in Latin. It comes from the adjective amplus, ampla, amplum that has given the adjective broad. In the present case, deriving from the neutral amplum, it is transformed by the loss of the final m- in amplu that then derives in the example by opening the posterior vowel u- to culminate by mutating the group pl- because it is preceded by the consonant m-, in ch, in Spanish. Therefore the original concept of this word is broad, vast, large.


For the Royal Spanish Academy the definition of the adjective is “that has more or less width”, “that has excessive width”; “Baggy, too wide”; “Broad: extensive, dilated, spacious”. Another meaning is “of great size, importance, or intensity.” With connotative value, he can express “unburdened, lax, free” and “proud, puffed up, proud”. As for the noun, it is synonymous with width “the smaller of the two main dimensions that things or flat figures have, as opposed to the greater length”.

Synonyms of ancho

Lato, extensive, vast, broad, large, extended; dilated, loose, spacious, elongated, landscape, wide; satisfied, delighted, happy, proud, round, proud.

Antonyms of width

Narrow, narrow; shy, timid.

Usage examples and phrases

“The house they have bought has a wide room in front.” It refers in this case to extensive and dilated. It is feminine adjective. “They have realized that the width of the cloth they have purchased does not allow them to make the costume for all the members of the murga.” In this example it is used as opposed to length. It is substantive. “There was wide lighting thanks to the large lanterns that surrounded the place.” Here, it is applied to light intensity. It is feminine adjective. “After having passed the last subject of the degree, he looks very wide for life.” Point out in this sentence to be proud, proud. It is masculine adjective. “The pants he has bought for the party are too wide for his size, so he will not have to change them to make a fool of himself.” It is used in this phrase with the meaning of baggy. It is masculine adjective,


In space, it is one of the three possible dimensions –in Euclidean geometry– of a volume: length, width and height, with width being the smallest horizontal dimension, length being the largest horizontal dimension and height being vertical. As it is a relative reference, it is only used in colloquial language. In science, such as Geometry or Physics, volumes are described with respect to orthogonal (XYZ) axes, polar axes, or other more objective reference systems.


by Abdullah Sam
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