Why Mordhau is One of the Best Medieval Games

Here’s why you should try one of the best online games about the Middle Ages if you haven’t already

Mordhau is one of the most successful spring games. This challenging multiplayer sword fighting action game that punishes the slightest of misdeeds has amassed a decent audience and is now high on the Steam and Twitch Tops. We decided to investigate the reasons for the success of the project.

Almost the best melee fights

The combat system of Mordhau is similar to the advanced version of For Honor and Kingdom Come . The choice of the direction of the blows is important. Does the enemy make a horizontal attack with the blade to the left? If you manage to react and respond with exactly the same blow, then the swords will collide in the air and damage will be avoided. There is also a classic block, when you need to press the button in time – and within literally a split second after the block, you can conduct a counterattack, from which it will be more difficult for the enemy to defend. Well, an almost unique thing is the cancellation of attacks when you start a strike, and then, by pressing a special button, you return to the original stance. Such attacks can confuse the opponent, in order to force him to make an erroneous thrust and catch on the counterattack.

In Mordhau, each weapon has several different “modes” that affect combat techniques. For example, a spear can change the grip of the hands: if you hold on to the beginning of the handle, it will be a longer and slower weapon, and if you grab the middle of the shaft, the range will be reduced, but the speed of blows will increase. In general, it is not hard to guess why Mordhau is considered, to put it mildly, not the most loyal game in relation to newcomers. But this has its own plus – when, having spent a lot of time on mastering the game, you finally start to win, you feel great pleasure and a sense of pride!

Medieval Battlefield

There are plenty of modes in Mordhau, from medieval battle royale to simple PvE, where you have to confront hordes of NPCs. But the most interesting one at the moment is Frontline, which turns Mordhau into an insane version of Battlefield with swords. In it, two teams of 32 people fight on one map for control of points. Knights clad in armor chop each other, fire shells fired from catapults fly in the sky, riders on armored horses sweep across the battlefield, sweeping away both enemies and allies in their path. As in Battlefield, it is full of comic scenes: do not be surprised if at some point naked peasants, brandishing pans, run towards you.

No honor

Although the Mordhau combat system is ideal for duels, one-on-one fights are rare here – this is not a game about valor and courage, but about a dirty war, where everyone tries to win in every possible way. It doesn’t sound like a knight, but it makes the gameplay interesting and unpredictable. Often five people attack one person here at once, there are situations when some stupid brave man is simply thrown from afar with fire bombs or shot from a bow, and sometimes on the battlefield you can fall into a trap placed by someone and lose a leg, or get a knife in the back when the enemy has bypassed you from the rear. Fans of dynamic, but a little crazy online games will definitely not get bored here. Well, if you are still looking for honest duels, then there are separate servers for this.

Interesting pumping system

In Mordhau, you can come up with many interesting builds by combining different perks, weapons and equipment. The player has 16 points to spend on perks and items, and the price is important. For example, you can equip a powerful longbow at the cost of 11 points, but then only 5 points will remain for skills and armor – you can play with this build, but you have to choose the position very competently. As a result, Mordhau gives a sea of ​​options for experimentation: you can make a classic “average in everything” knight with a sword and shield, or, for example, a nimble strongman with a halberd, dressed in rags, who restores life by killing enemies.

The ideas implemented in Mordhau cannot be called new: in fact, we have a well-realized successor to Chivalry . But in 2019, after hundreds of hours spent in Fortnite and Apex Legends, high-quality online play in a medieval setting is perceived as something very new and interesting. So if you are looking for a large-scale and spectacular multiplayer action game, but not about shooting, then it’s time to try something new and pay attention to Mordhau – especially since the game costs a little more than 500 rubles.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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