Why fermented foods in your diet?

Fermented foods and beverages play a very important role in our gastrointestinal health and our overall health. Various studies have linked the intake of fermented foods with the prevention of certain diseases, as well as with the improvement of the immune and emotional state and, of course, the improvement of our digestive process. Discover in this post how our body changes with the usual intake of fermented foods.

How can your body change if you drink fermented?
Fermented foods such as kombucha tea are widely recognized as a source of probiotics, microorganisms with beneficial effects on health. And is that, the regular intake of fermented foods has proven to be the natural solution to reduce infections, fight inflammation, constipation, improve digestion, heart health and strengthen the immune system.

Promotes weight loss
The investigationson how our gut health influences weight are at their best. It has been proven that people who consume probiotics present in fermented ones on a regular basis, lose weight easier and steadily. In these investigations, the people who consumed them lost approximately 8% of abdominal fat in a short time.

Promotes intestinal transit
The regular intake of fermented foods, according to recent studies , contributes to an improvement in the intestinal flora and thus promotes an improvement in intestinal movements and significantly reduces the time of intestinal transit.

Immune system stimulation:
According to reviewsIn recent years, taking foods such as kombucha on a regular basis provides different beneficial bacteria, increasing the diversity of the intestinal flora and promoting the proper functioning of the immune system, thus preventing us from falling into a cold or flu.

Mood Disorders and Depression
The idea that bacteria in the gut affect behavior is nothing new. Studies have shown that regular intake of probiotics increases the neurochemicals of happiness (dopamine and serotonin). Greater intestinal health, greater happiness.

They take care of cardiovascular health
It has been proven through various reviewsScientific evidence that probiotic bacteria, present in fermented foods, reduce cholesterol by reducing its absorption. Thus, fermented products are the perfect allies to prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Feel good inside and out, regularly introducing fermented foods to your diet. Combine them with a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, and feel all their benefits. There is no more delicious way to take care of yourself.

by Abdullah Sam
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