Whr: What is it? Differences with mAH

The watt (W) is a unit of measure for electrical power. The watt-hour (Whr or Wh) is a unit of measurement for energy. An appliance that uses 100 watts for one hour will consume 0.1 kilowatt-hours (kWh). A watt-hour meter measures the total electrical energy consumption of a home, business, or building in kWh over a period of time, typically a billing cycle.

Understanding the difference between Whr and Watts can help you understand how this device works and what it measures so you can use it most efficiently, as well as the capacity of batteries measured in Whr, such as those in portable computers.



For this reason, in this article we will dedicate ourselves to solving all the doubts about this topic. So, here are the keys :

Index of contents

  • What is a watt?
  • Watt-hours (Wh)
  • The difference between mAh and Whr
  • How to stretch the Whr of your battery
    • Brightness of the screen
    • Reduce the number of programs running in the background
    • Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
    • Use a dark theme (or a black canvas background)
    • Don’t forget to turn off the laptop
    • Check for software updates
    • Turn off automatic syncing for apps you don’t use often
    • Change your laptop settings

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What is a watt?

watt or watt (W) is a unit of measure for power and is also used for electrical energy. This SI unit is equivalent to one joule of energy per second . That is, it is used to quantify the rate of energy that is transferred.

Watt-hours (Wh)

watt-hour (Wh or Whr) is a unit of measure for energy. A watt-hour meter measures the total electrical energy consumption of a home, business, or building in kWh over a period of time, typically a billing cycle. Understanding the difference between wh and watts can help you understand how this device works and what it measures so you can use it most effectively. There are some appliances, such as water heaters, that have an energy rating that is measured in kW hours instead of watts. This is because these devices measure the amount of energy used to heat the water rather than simply the power used to heat it.

However, the Wh can not only serve as a measure of consumption, but also as a measure of power delivery , that is, to identify the capacity of a battery. And this can be used as a substitute for another unit that we know very well, such as the mAh that has been marking the capacity of many mobile device batteries. However, in the field of laptops, Whr or Wh is more commonly used to describe battery capacity.



For example , a 50 Wh battery means that it could supply up to 50W for one hour, or what is the same, 25W for 2 hours, or 100W for half an hour.

The difference between mAh and Whr

To find out more about how mAh and Wh are related , you can use this online calculator that converts from one unit to another:

  • online calculator

For example, a battery that has 5000 mAh and a voltage of 3.7v would have 18.5Wh. That would be the equivalent. That is, it is calculated by multiplying the volts (V) of the battery by the amps per hour (Ah):

Wh = V · Ah

For example, imagine a rechargeable Li-Ion battery that has 12 volts and that its capacity is 50,000 mAh, that means that it would be 50 Ah. Well, multiplying 12×50=600Wh. As you can see, it is very easy to convert from one unit to another if you know these magnitudes.

For the inverse change , that is, from Wh to mAh, you should only divide Wh/V and you would obtain the Ah, which multiplied by a thousand would give you the mAh. For example, a battery that has 90Wh and a voltage of 20V would be calculated with 90/20=4.5 Ah and 4.5×1000= 4500 mAh.

How to stretch the Whr of your battery

To finish, here are some tips to be able to get the most out of the Wh of your battery and extend its autonomy and life as much as you can:

Brightness of the screen

Your laptop ‘s screen brightness setting is one of the most significant ways you can affect how quickly your battery drains. A laptop’s screen is one of its biggest power drains, which means a dimmer screen will have a significant impact on your laptop’s battery life. If the brightness is set to 10 out of 10, it will consume more power than if it is set to 1 out of 10. However, keep in mind that a lower brightness setting will also make your screen less usable in bright environments. If you work in a sunny room, you may need to turn the brightness up a bit more to see the screen.

Reduce the number of programs running in the background

Some of the programs you open on your laptop may stay open in the background even after you’ve moved on to other tasks. This can happen with apps like music or video players that you’ve left running while doing something else. These apps continue to consume power even when you’re not actively using them. On some laptops, you can see what programs are running in the background by clicking on the “Task Manager” app or by pressing Control + Shift + Esc. You can then close programs that you are not actively using. You may want to close programs like music or video players if you’re not listening to or watching them.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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