Who are the Millennials

Also known as generation Y, the millennials are a 21st generation that was born between the early 1980s and the early 2000. Most millennia is well educated and many have obtained a university degree. The millennials have greatly affected the workplace in terms of diversity and the need for personnel management. Mostly they communicate through instant messaging applications like Snapchat, text or e-mail, telephone conversations and face-to-face interactions.

Millennials and technology

The millennials were born at a time when technology was reaching its peak thanks to multiple innovations. Generation is extremely technological and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are flooded with millennia. Millennials use technology to have fun, study, undertake projects and solve life’s challenges. For example, the use of personal assistance apps has made it easy for millennials to proactively manage their personal and work programs.

Millennial financial trends

Although millennials face a multitude of financial challenges including student loan debt, low income due to employers’ high bargaining power and high living costs, many millennials are interested in investing in stocks. With the world economy struggling with problems like low oil prices, Brexit, low interest rates and the withdrawal of US support in developing countries’ government projects, millennials are bombarded by uncertain financial times. Given these many challenges, many millennials wish to have their own businesses rather than be employed for life.

Millennials in the Workplace

At work, millennials generally focus on satisfying work rather than on good pay. This means that they are looking for opportunities to grow in their careers. Millennials prefer flexible hours to promote work-life balance because they enhance personal relationships with others. Most of the generation considers personal and family values ​​more important than career promotion. The millennials are intolerant to unpleasant working environments and many changes have been made. Many workplaces have paternity leave, mothers’ breastfeeding rooms and exercise rooms available for use.

How to keep Millennials motivated at work

Working for an employer who appreciates and rewards the work of employees is important for millennials. Employers must provide this generation flexible hours and should be willing to ensure their career growth. Millennials love working on different types of tasks that represent a variety of challenges. Whenever they are in a position that becomes redundant, they can leave to find a more challenging job. Thanks to their skill with technology and their love for a challenge, millennials are a great generation to work with.

by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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