Where to find the best gear in Apex Legends

Where to look for the best gear, how to get legendary weapons, and more

Apex Legends is another “royal battle”, the action of which to this day is developing only on one map – Kings Canyon Island. As with any game of the genre, the key to survival is finding and using the best gear. Below we will tell you at what points on the map the probability of getting high-level armor, weapons, modifications and other devices is higher. You will learn the difference between different loot stores.

Locating supply containers

There are two main ways to get loot in Apex Legends. The first is to search buildings and other objects, in which the loot is often lying on the floor. The second is to open the red and white supply containers. Each match these containers appear in the same locations . Moreover, there are always three random items in them, including weapons, modifications, medical supplies and equipment.

In the screenshot below, which we found on the Reddit portal , red markers indicate the location of all containers in Kings Canyon. Keep in mind that this map is far from ideal, since there may well be another one or two dozen loot locations on the island. Especially in the empty southwest part of the map. This is the best the gaming community has to offer at the moment.

Location of supply containers

Come close to the container, aim and press the indicated key to open it. However, you cannot close the object, so after interacting with it, a trace of your presence will remain in this place. Take the correct position, otherwise, upon opening, you can instantly die (if you are standing over the container).

Hot Zones and Golden Weapons

In each individual fight, the blue circle will be located in different places. It is used to mark the hot zone. This is where you are almost guaranteed to find extremely valuable, high-level items. Moreover, the hot zone is a real chance to find rare fully equipped cannons. We are talking about any non-legendary weapon, pre-equipped with the necessary modifications . That is why such weapons are called “golden”.

“Golden” weapon

Of course, this is not the only place to look for them, but the chances of success are really high. On ordinary locations, such weapons are extremely rare. We would not be surprised if in every match outside the hot zone there are only one or two copies of the “golden” weapon.

Getting such a powerful weapon early on can play a critical role in seat allocation and survival. As a result, many teams, when choosing a landing site, try to land as close to the hot zone as possible.

Beetles with loot

Each duel randomly generates small beetle-like robots (hence the name). Externally, the object looks like a “tetrahedron with legs”, and in fact is another repository of useful loot in Apex Legends. In the game, “bugs” practically do not move and, as a rule, are located in hard-to-reach and inconspicuous areas . To get to them, you often need to jump or climb walls. The great news is that you only need to shoot or hit the robot to get the loot. As a result, a certain amount of loot will drop out of it. Robobugs can be easily compared to treasure chests from Fortnite .

Each robobug has its own color coding , directly related to the prey stored inside. Thus, if you have a “golden” beetle in front of you, then when you break it, you are guaranteed to get at least one such item. Similar to supply containers, the possible spawn points for these robots are roughly the same in each match. However, unlike them, you will not find such a beetle in all potential places of appearance. For example, if in the first match you found a beetle, then returning to the same place in the second and third you will leave empty-handed. However, already in the fourth match, the robobug will reappear at a familiar point on the map.


To make it easier to find small robots, listen to your surroundings, as the beetles emit characteristic sound prompts reminiscent of the communication of the famous WALL-E robot. If you hear these sounds, then the loot is somewhere nearby. You will usually find it on the roofs of buildings or tall furnishings (furniture) inside, around corners and other places where it is easy to miss.

Supply ships

Another unique feature of the Apex Legends open world is the availability of supply ships. They are huge cargo ships-like flying machines that you jump out of at the start of each match. Such ships will appear from time to time in different places throughout the duel. Valuable loot can be found on and below the main deck of the ship . Objects are popular, so expect to see the competition.

Pay attention to the supply ship that will fly over the map from the very beginning of the match . He slowly moves towards his destination. But you can climb on it before it arrives at the specified location. Subsequent supply ships that appear during the match, upon arriving at the right place, will lower the rope, along which the players can climb and get them.

Supply capsules

A more familiar feature for most of the “battle royals” found in popular Fortnite and PUBG . Supply pods drop from the sky to the ground at random locations in Kings Canyon and throughout the game. You will be notified in advance of when and where the capsule will be dropped. Each of them contains three high quality items. There is a chance to find one of two legendary weapons – the Mastiff shotgun and the Kraber sniper rifle.

Supply capsules

Supply pods are the only source of legendary weapons . However, not all have such a shotgun or rifle. On the other hand, you are guaranteed to get powerful gear. The terrain near the capsule is always dangerous, since many characters will try to get to the prey.

Supply capsules are similar to those supplies that Lifeline can summon due to her active ability. You can tell them apart by the color of the capsule. If it has a red tint, then this is a normal container, blue is caused by Lifeline.

Additionally, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the map below. On it, white, blue, and purple figures mark the loot locations for common, rare and epic equipment, respectively.

The best spots (with high-level items ) are usually located around the perimeter of the map:

  • Artillery,
  • Relay,
  • Swamp,
  • Repulsor,
  • Water treatment plant,
  • Thunder Dome,
  • Airbase,
  • Stoke,
  • Bunker,
  • Fighting pit,

Medium mining :

  • Muddy lakes
  • Swamps,
  • Bridges,

Low level mining :

  • Hydroelectric dam,
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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