Where does football come from?

While football has become one of the most popular sports in the world – 250 million people play in 200 countries around the world – researchers are anxious to explain its origin. The game is likely to have its roots in countries like ancient Rome, China or Greece. In these places, history has it that people have kicked a ball made of leather. According to research, the period in which China, Greece and ancient Rome dedicated themselves to football was in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. However, the rules of football were less complex at that time. England is credited for having changed the overall appearance of the game and given its current framework.

History of football

In his early days, kicking, digging and even punching his opponents was part of the game of football until the goal was reached. The main objective of the period was to score. It was justified by the end and not by the means. The rules began to emerge immediately after the introduction of the game in England. In fact, it was during the period when football came into force in England that some associations that regulated the game began to take hold and take root. The introduction of football in England has led to problems such as violence and abandonment of duties. Many people have developed a passion for football, the new sport that involves the nation. This led to its ban in 1365 by King Edward III and to the declaration of King James I of Scotland who declared it“No man will play soccer” in 1924. In many cases, the violence would explode when the fans and players were not satisfied with the result and the judgment.

The development of the rules

The rules and rules governing football have been established in England together with football associations. After its introduction into learning institutions, football (or football in England) was separated from rugby and the rules were established. The separation was a result of the rules introduced in football that prohibited players from holding the ball with their hands, pushing, pushing and limiting the ball to their feet, torso and head. In 1891, the game saw the entry of a rule that was called a game changer: the penalty kick. Football aimed to tackle misconduct in the field especially in cases where the act took place around the penalty area. Furthermore, the rule was introduced to solve many problems that arose each time teams drew. In 1970, red and yellow cards were added to the game. Using the cards, a judge can send rogue players out of the field or use the yellow card to warn them.

The introduction of the card was preceded by membership of the FIFA (International Football Federation) as a member of the International Football Association of Great Britain. Some changes that occurred in the 90 include the introduction of penalties in cases where a goalkeeper deliberately holds back the balls passed by teammates. belonging to the FIFA (International Football Federation) as a member of the International Football Association of Great Britain. Some changes that occurred in the 90 include the introduction of penalties in cases where a goalkeeper deliberately holds back the balls passed by teammates. belonging to the FIFA (International Football Federation) as a member of the International Football Association of Great Britain. Some changes that occurred in the 90 include the introduction of penalties in cases where a goalkeeper deliberately holds back the balls passed by teammates.

by Abdullah Sam
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