Where are Tarana, Lara Croft, Raven, Co-Complainant or Mazorquin in Fortnite

It is time to conclude the remaining missions of The Needle that have just been released in Fortnite season 6, and we already have all the solutions.

Finally we already have the final challenges of La Aguja for Fortnite season 6 , some challenges that were released at the beginning of this season and where we already gave you the solution of the first batch of challenges and also of the second ones that were released two weeks ago. , and now we have a final compendium that is the simplest.

There is no greater mystery with these last challenges of The Needle in Fortnite season 6 because the last ones that remain are very natural and you have probably already overcome them. The most complicated is the one related to talking with a series of NPCs scattered around the map, and of which we give you their exact situation.

So follow our guide, to finish completing all the final missions of The Needle in Fortnite season 6.

Final challenges of The Needle in Fortnite season 6 – Solutions

The recently released La Aguja missions are as follows:

  • Talk to Tarana, Lara Croft, Raven, Co-Plaintiff or Mazorquin (3)
  • Complete 5 unusual tasks
  • Eliminate Raz
  • Level up the battle pass

Solution to the last challenges of The Needle in Fortnite season 6

Where is Tarana, Lara Croft, Raven, Co-Claimant or Mazorquín

You only have to talk to three of these characters, you don’t have to visit all five. In any case, we give you the situation of each one of them so that you can visit the one that best suits you.

First a map with the situation of each of these characters:

Mazorquin you have it in Compromised Reels, located west of Colossal Crops

Raven is located in a lost cabin located a little northwest of Burning Sands.

Co-plaintiff you have him located in a lost house between afflicted Alameda and sleeping pools

You also have Lara Croft in Sneaky Feud

Finally Tarana in the central part of Citadel skull

Eliminate Raz

You have Raz in Colossal Crops, generally in the northwest area, always indoors.

The best way to eliminate him, as it is initially peaceful, is to drop a few bombs inside where he is, and once they explode and you have weakened him, finish knocking him down with the best weapon you can bring.

With this you already know how to complete all the missions of The Needle in Fortnite season 6 .

We have also told you how to unlock the Neymar Jr skin ,  where are Tarana’s artifacts , the solution to the challenges of La Aguja (Part 1)  and where is La Aguja’s message in an outpost of a guard tower  or guides. in depth to know the  best site to hunt animals , how  to level up fast in Fortnite season 6 . It is highly recommended that you know the situation of the workshops to modify the wheels of the cars .

Of course, we have also told you how to complete  all the rare missions (blue) and which ones are the best to quickly level up ,  mythical weapons and bosses ,  how to get Multi-jump Boots ,  where to find the gold figures near the needle  and tricks and secrets of season 6 .

Regarding missions, we have the solution for  week 1 ,  the challenges for week 2, those for week 3 ,  week 4  and week 5 .

You can discover much more, such as  the best Creative mode maps (and the codes to access them)  and much more in our Fortnite guide


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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