When Will Kalyug End;10 Facts

The concept of “Kalyug” comes from ancient Indian scriptures, particularly the Puranas and the Mahabharata. According to Hindu cosmology, time is cyclic and divided into four yugas or ages: Satya Yuga (Age of Truth), Treta Yuga (Age of Three-Parts), Dvapara Yuga (Age of Two-Parts), and Kali Yuga (Age of Darkness or Strife). Each yuga has its own distinct characteristics and span of time.

When Will Kalyug End

  1. Duration of Kali Yuga: The Kali Yuga is believed to last for 432,000 years. It is the shortest of the four yugas.
  2. Current Status: It’s believed that we are currently in the Kali Yuga, which began after the Kurukshetra war of the Mahabharata.
  3. End of Kalyug: According to traditional beliefs, at the end of Kalyug, Lord Kalki, the tenth avatar of Lord Vishnu, will appear to cleanse the world and restore dharma (righteousness).
  4. Characteristics of Kalyug: It is described as an age where dharma (righteousness) stands on one leg, and adharma (unrighteousness) is rampant. Negative traits such as deceit, hypocrisy, and falsehood become more prevalent.
  5. Importance of Spirituality: Despite its negative aspects, it’s said that the merits of good deeds and spiritual practices are magnified in Kalyug, making it an opportune time for spiritual growth.
  6. Indicators of Kalyug: Several predictions about the social and moral decline characteristic of this age can be found in ancient scriptures. Some believe that many of these predictions have already come true.
  7. Transition between Yugas: As one yuga transitions to the next, there is a period of overlap, where traits of the outgoing yuga and the incoming yuga are both seen.
  8. Cyclic Nature: Once Kalyug ends, the cycle doesn’t stop. After Kalyug, the next yuga will be Satya Yuga, and the cycle will begin again.
  9. Modern Interpretations: Some scholars and thinkers interpret the yuga cycle metaphorically, seeing it as a reflection on the moral and spiritual condition of society rather than a strict chronological prediction.
  10. Scientific Perspective: Modern science does not recognize the yuga cycle as a measure of geological or cosmological time. For many, the yuga cycle is more of a philosophical or spiritual concept than a literal timeline.

The actual “end” of Kalyug, as with many religious and spiritual beliefs, remains a matter of personal faith and interpretation.

by Abdullah Sam
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