What is Trend Analysis

Tendency Analysis is an analysis used to observe overall data trends over a relatively long period of time.

Trends or trends can be used to predict what conditions the data in the future, or can be used to predict data at a certain time in a certain period of time.

Several methods can be used to model trends, including linear models, quadratic models, exponential growth models and S-curve models.

Types of Trend Analysis

  1. Type of Linear Model (Linear Model) A
    linear trend is a trend that increases or decreases in value to be predicted to rise or fall linearly
  2. Type Quadratic Model (Quadratic Model)
    Parabolic trend (quadratic) is a trend where the value of an independent variable rises or falls linearly or a parabolic occurs when scatter plot data is made (the relationship between dependent and independent variables is quadratic).
  3. Type of Exponential Growth Model
    This exponential trend is a trend where the value of an independent variable rises exponentially or is not linear.
  4. Type S-Curve Models (S-Curve Models)
    Trend model S curve is used for the Pearl Reed logistic trend model. This trend is used for time series data that follows the S shape curve. 
by Abdullah Sam
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