What is the Venice Carnival

Festival history

The Venice Carnival is a great tradition in the city of Venice. It occurs two weeks before the loan period and ends on the Tuesday before Ash Wednesday. The festival began as a celebration of the victory of ” Serenissima Repubblica ” against ” Ulrico di Treven ” Who was the patriarch of Aquileia. It became an official celebration in the 14th and 15th centuries. The king of Austria banned the festival in 1797, but was reintroduced years later. However, it was only until 1926 that the Venice Carnival was declared public in Italy. Today, the festival is very popular and attracts over three million tourists each year to the city of Venice. In fact, we can easily conclude that the Venice Carnival is a highlight of the

Purpose of the festival

The purpose of the festival is to make and have fun. Furthermore, it improves healthy interactions between individuals and society in general. During the Venice Carnival festival people engage in activities such as the masquerade of dances, the parade of candlelit boats, street performances and concerts. Street singers, jugglers, acrobats and other artists also entertain guests with songs and dances. The Venice Carnival is a magical experience that transforms Venice into a cocktail of fun and parties. The spirits are high as people prepare to welcome the end of the loan period, which is highly restrictive.

The meaning of masks and costumes

The use of masks is probably the most common of all activities during the Venice Carnival Festival. Everyone who attends the festival wears a mask to make sure they remain anonymous. Anonymity is important because it eliminates any type of barrier such as age, gender and religion. The society at the time of the origin of the Venice Carnival was made up of social classes like the common people and the nobility. As such there was limited interaction between people. As a result, hiding identities allowed people to interact freely during the festival.

It should be noted that there are rules that accompany the use of the mask. One of these is that men are not allowed to dress as women and vice versa. A second rule is that no costume should have any vulgar disguise. Moreover, the masks are designed only to be worn during the carnival and not at other times of the year. These masks are made of papier-mâché, plaster, feathers and gems. The masks that are often used during the festival include moretta, pantalone, colombina and bauta among others. Every year the event organizers present a theme for the masks and costumes to be worn during the festival. There is also a competition for “the most beautiful mask” that is awarded by a team of international designers. Some of the winners of the competition have been in the pastThe stars of love that was created by Horst Raack and In Search of Lost Time which was the creation of Anna Marconi.


by Abdullah Sam
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