What is the pulse for?

The wrist is an articulation that allows you to flex and extend your hand . It is a complex joint that connects the bones of the forearm to those of the hand. Its continuous use can cause damage that limits its ability to move.

What is the pulse?

The wrist is made up of two bones of the forearm, the ulna and the radius , and two carpal bones, the scaphoid and the lunate bone . This is the articulation proper, also formed by ligaments and muscles and nerves that allow its mobility. Two rows of three carpal bones are added to the joint’s own bones : the proximal row , the distal row , and the scaphoid row . The proximal row is the row closest to the wrist, it is composed of triquetro and pisiform bone and also includes the lunate . The distal row is the row furthest from the wrist , and is made up ofhappened, trapezoid bone, trapezoid and beloved bone . The scaphoid row crosses the proximal row and the distal row. Each of the bones of the posus is joined to the neighboring one by one or more ligaments. Among the ligaments , the largest are the ulnar (or medial) collateral ligament and the radial (or lateral) collateral ligament , which bind the ulna to the triquetro and pisiform bone and the radium to the scaphoid respectively.

A set of muscles allows for wrist movements. These are the extensors of the carpus ( short radial, long radial and ulnar ) of the common extensor of the fingers and the long extensor of the thumb, the flexors of the carpus (radial and ulnar), the superficial flexor of the fingers and the long flexor of the thumb . These muscles are located in the forearm. They are connected to the hand by a single tendon , which crosses the inside of the wrist. Finally, three nerves that come from the forearm pass through the wrist and reach the hand. These are the radial nerve , which innervates the back of the hand in the part between the thumb and the middle, of the median nerve, which is divided into four bandswhich innervate the thumb and three successive fingers, and the ulnar nerve , which innervates the little finger and the outer half of the ring finger.

What is the pulse for?

The wrist allows a wide range of movements , since it connects the forearm and hand. Specifically, the hand can be raised backwards through the extensor muscles of the carpus, the common extensor of the fingers and the long extensor of the thumb, while in the downward flexion the flexors of the carpus, the superficial flexor of the fingers are involved and the long flexor of the thumb.

The wrist, however, also allows other actions, specifically the ulnar deviation , which involving the ulnar extender and the ulnar flexor of the carpus allows the hand to rotate outwards, and the radial deviation , which is implemented by the short radial extender and long and radial flexor of the carpus and allows the rotation of the hand inward.

by Abdullah Sam
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