What Is The Hip;What Does It Do In Body

It is one of the most important joints in the body . Allows you to walk, run and jump. It supports the body weight and the force exerted by the muscles that are present in the hips and legs, multiplying it. Together with the shoulder it is one of the most flexible joints and allows for a wide range of movements.

What is the hip?

It is the joint made up of femur and iliac bone . A concave structure present in the iliac bone – the acetabulum – forms a kind of pocket inside which the head of the femur is inserted. Around both structures is the cartilage , which provides a smooth surface that has the function of cushioning the blows and warding off the friction between the bones , allowing them to slide freely on each other. The joint is lubricated by the synovial fluid that is produced by the membranes surrounding the cartilage.

In addition to the bones, there are numerous resistant ligaments in the hip that prevent joint dislocation. Three of these are defined extracapsular (the iliofemoral, the ischiofemoral and the pubofemoral), are joined to the pelvic bones (the iliac bone, the ischium and the pubic bone) and strengthen the capsule by limiting excessive movements of the joint . The fourth is the ligamentum teres , an intracapsular ligament connected to the acetabulum, which stretches only in case of dislocation, preventing further dislocation. Finally, the muscles that are located in this region of the body allow the bones to remain united, avoiding the risk of dislocations.

What is the hip for?

The hip takes on body weight and at the same time contributes to its agility . Thanks to this articulation it is in fact possible to walk, run, jump and perform all those activities that are allowed by the movement of the legs. The femoral head can make a 360 ° movement within the acetabulum and rotate about 90 ° around its axis. This flexibility is combined with the ability to withstand the forces acting on the body . While running, for example, the strength of body movements increases that exerted by the weight of the body and the hip joint manages to cope with these forces during the whole exercise.If the hip is damaged due to aging or trauma, its functionality can be maintained by replacing it with a prosthesis .

by Abdullah Sam
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