What is the difference between the HTTP and HTTPS protocol?

Although it does not seem like a common domain theme, the truth is that it is. The reason is that, when connecting to the network from a browser, one of these protocols can be witnessed. Now, what is the difference between the HTTP and HTTPS protocol. In this post each one is mentioned, as well as the advantages and disadvantages they offer.

What does the acronym HTTP stand for?

These acronyms are the acronym for Hypertext Transport Protocol . The translation is Hypertext Protocol. In simple words, it refers to a protocol that allows the transmission of information between a user and the server. Its main function is that the data is transmitted to the user accurately. If you want to learn more about the HTTP protocol and how it works, we leave you this link .

While it is true that the HTTP protocol handles the information and takes it to the destination ; it does not store it. Therefore, at the end of the connection requested by a user, the browsing data is lost. Since the creation of this protocol, it has evolved to improve its features and service.

Evolution of the HTTP Protocol

  • Version 0.9 : It was released in 1991 and is now obsolete due to its limitations. For example, it does not support headers or POST, only a GET command and request; so it does not have the capacity to transmit a certain amount of information to a server.
  • Version 1.0 : It was released in May 1996 and is the first to specify the communication version. Although later there have been several versions, this is widely used ; particularly on proxy servers. Includes GET, HEAD and POST request.
  • Version 1.1 : This version was released in June 1993 and is widely used . It is configured so that persistent connections are activated by default. It works well with proxies. Supports multiple requests at the same time and on the same connection; thus eliminating the Round-Trip delay time for each request made.
  • Version 1.2 : It was released in February 2000 and had certain relevant modifications such as: remove the reference HTTP / 1.2., HTTP Extension Framework, RFC 2774. This version also includes PEP.
  • HTTP / 2 version : It was released in May 2015 and preserves the basic concepts of the HTTP version . It only focuses on how to package and transport the data.
  • HTTP / 3 version : The release date was in October 2018. It is compatible with the main versions of the HTTP protocol. Joined Google Chrome and Cloudflare, since September 2019 .

Difference between HTTP and HTTPS protocol (advantages and disadvantages)


The main difference. Safety. Because the HTTPS protocol includes a letter “S”. Refers to the use of the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. That explains its inclusion on WordPress websites . Which gives you a clear security advantage when transmitting encrypted information over the network. Despite the advantages, there are differences between SSL and the protocol.

The HTTPS protocol uses a public storage and delivery and a private one according to the type of information used. This protocol is more secure than HTTP when browsing the network. The reason is that it guarantees the use of encryption, so that the information is only handled between the user and the server. Unlike the HTTP protocol with which information can be leaked to third parties.

Speed ​​is a big difference between the HTTP and HTTPS protocol

Regarding speed, the HTTP protocol has an advantage over the HTTPS protocol . Since the latter includes sending encrypted information, it makes the connection slower. The HTTP protocol is more responsive.

Errors in domains

The HTTP protocol also offers an advantage over the HTTPS protocol in terms of accessing domains. It allows greater domain availability and fewer errors when searching, which facilitates the arrival of data to the destination domain. Although on the internet, the HTTP error 503 is well known.

However, this is a security disadvantage, since communication can be intercepted. Therefore, the use of the HTTPS protocol is suggested when handling bank information , email accounts; or sites where passwords and confidential information are used.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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