What is Rice Candy?

Rice candy is a type of candy supplied with a rice based ingredient, typically in the form of glutinous rice flour or sweet rice flour. Numerous variations of this dessert are eaten throughout Asia, with Japan, Korea, China and all traditional rice candy manufacturers. One of the most popular forms of this candy is Botan Rice Candy in Japan, produced by JFC International, Incorporated. This candy is widely distributed beyond Japan’s borders, and is often available in Asian markets and specialty candy stores.

The candy rice ingredients vary, depending on the country of origin. At a minimum, the candy is made with glutinous rice flour, sugar and water. Dyes and flavors are often added, and the candy is usually soft and chewy in fabric, with a subtle flavor. Many producers go light on sugar, which reflects a preference for lightly sweetened candies in Asia. The rice is also naturally sweet, and too much added sugar will create a cloying taste.

Many types of rice candy are designed to be eaten fresh as they are made. Other manufacturers slice their candy into small pieces and wrap the rice paper pieces for packing and shipping. The rice paper wrap keeps the candy from being too moist, and prevents the candies in a package from sticking to each other. It is also edible, although some people are unaware of this, and you can struggle to peel the rice paper wrappers from the gummy candies.

In addition to Botan Rice Candy, another popular style of rice candy is the dragon candy beard, which is made from pulled sugar, which is rolled in rice flour to prevent the sugar strands from sticking together. The candy is typically wrapped around a walnut filling like chopped peanuts. Dragon’s beard candy is very popular in China and Korea, where it is often served fresh at markets and fairs.

Most rice candy is safe for vegans and people who are gluten intolerant, making it a relatively safe pleasure to have around the house. However, it is a good idea to read candy packaging, as each manufacturer uses different ingredients. If you happen to live in an area where this candy is made, you might want to take a tour of the factory, as the candy making process is very interesting, and the chance to taste freshly packed candy can be a real revelation

by Abdullah Sam
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