What is Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder?

Those who suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality disorder are excessively perfectionist, with delusions of control, very self-critical . He is a person who lives below his economic possibilities because he feels the duty to be ready to face future catastrophes and does not like to part with things for this he does not throw anything away because one day they could come in handy.

In relationships with others she is rigid, she has great difficulty in showing her emotions , which she hides behind a formal facade, she is unable to adopt the other’s point of view and mediating with the positions of others is painful as well as impossible. 

These people need to have their own way, by virtue of the sense of control that this gives them back and for this reason, the relationship with others, which always has to do with otherness, the diversity of the other is seriously compromised. As with other personality disorders, also in this the most prominent aspect is the difficulty of living and maintaining the relationship with the other. 

Difference between obsessive compulsive personality disorder and OCD (obsessive complusive disorder)

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder refers to very specific characteristics that differ from obsessive-compulsive disorder . There is a substantial difference between these mainly due to the presence of tics, obsessions or compulsions that are present in obsessive-compulsive disorder, but which are not a symptom of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

In the latter the symptoms are more directed to the relationship with others and to all related affective problems or, at most, to the relationship with objects or ideals, it is also not focused on a specific behavior or thought.


The symptoms that must be present for this diagnosis to be made are:

  1. The concern for details, rules, lists or deadlines is such as to overshadow the related activity;
  2. Degree of perfectionismto the point of losing sight of the general objective of the activity
  3. Presence of excessive dedication to work or productivity, to the point of excluding leisure activities or friendships
  4. Too much conscientiousness, scrupulousness, usually those who suffer from this personality disorder are inflexible in matters concerning morals, ethics or values;
  5. Difficulty throwing away worn or worthless objectseven if they have no emotional value;
  6. Reluctance to delegate to other tasksor activities until they are performed exactly according to the instructions indicated and without modification;
  7. Adopting a lifestyle that is poor for oneself and for others; money is seen as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes;
  8. Stiffness and stubbornness.

From the symptomatological picture that refers to the DSM-V just described, the profile of a person frightened by what he does not know emerges and hopes, through control, to be able to maintain mastery of the situation.

He is always intent on planning the future to avoid being caught unprepared , but in this concern he does not take into account the present and his own needs and needs and those around him. Accumulation is also associated with this feeling of an uncertain future in which the only possible salvation is ensured by the possession of laboriously saved resources.

Fear of the other

I l Obsessive-compulsive personality shows the profile of a person who fears, beyond a reasonable and concrete motive, a disaster in its own future . He is afraid of being the victim of some catastrophic event that could put him in serious difficulty and, while waiting for it to happen, he feels the need to be prepared for when it happens.

A possible interpretation of this experience, however common to many of us, without however reaching a specific decisive weight in everyday life, could be precisely the fear of being deceived or defrauded by the Other .

Basically, as also the myths underlined, fate and destiny, in the common imagination were represented by divine creatures, but with human features, who decided on the fate of every single human being. The idea of ​​being able to control everything instills a sense of trust and security which, however, remains only ideal in comparison with others and with life.


How can psychotherapy help?

Through a path of psychotherapy it is possible to shed light on the singular meaning of such a strong fear . Trying to (re) construct personal history by investigating the causes of these fears and reflecting, in a context free from any judicial activity, on one’s own subjective implication. Greater awareness of ourselves allows for more freedom to act in our world . If, in fact, control implies a narrowing of the field of freedom, knowledge, on the other hand, widens it.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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