What is Nanotechnology?

Nanotechnology is the branch of technology that deals with particles of less than 100 nanometers, in particular the management of particles and discrete bits. The field involves methods on an ultra-small scale and has developed into an in-depth technical study area. The wide range of applications of nanotechnology seeks to remedy some of the significant challenges that have been repeated over the years. These problems range from legal, environmental, ethical, medical and mental issues.

Application of nanotechnology

The use of nanotechnology ranges from electronic, biomedical and optical fields, to biology, information technology, communications and engineering. The government fully supports projects to promote nanotechnology through the establishment of the National Nanotechnology Initiative.


In medicine, nanotechnology has led to significant development in health-related innovations. Through the use of nanoelectronic biosensors and nanomaterials, better health and drug innovations have been implemented. The pharmaceutical industry expects new ideas mainly through drug release, live imaging and new therapies. Future speculations include tissue and cell repair through molecular nanotechnology.


The environmental aspect of nanotechnology is the search for long-term remedies for environmental pollution. Green nanotechnology aims to improve sustainability through the manufacture of green nanoproducts. It aims to produce environmentally safe products, use low temperatures and green nanotechnology also increases the production of existing products with environmentally friendly nanotechnologies. The primary objective of eliminating environmental pollution is to try to provide answers to environmental damage by using the principles of green engineering and green chemistry.


Nanotechnology also seeks to provide solutions for food security. Globally, the problems caused by drought have led to the reduction of food production, particularly in the agricultural sector. In this case, nanotechnology helps existing technology of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) find new ways to improve food production. Furthermore, nanotechnology aims to eliminate the risks associated with GMOs. Therefore, the extensive use of nanotechnologies will lead to better and more food production to curb the threat to famine that has caused victims in many countries.

Engineering and science

Nanotechnology is also applicable in the field of engineering. Through nanotechnology, engineering has become more precise and reliable. Accuracy showed a significant reduction in mechanical problems that had been rampant before associated with accidents and deaths. In biology, nanotechnology has also contributed to the study of tissues and cells more accurately. In chemistry, more elements and atoms can be discovered using nanotechnology, hence a better search than in previous studies. Finally, nanotechnology is used in research and design (R &) to improve research and innovation. Technological advances in research through this field will lead to inventions aimed at improving life.

Impacts of nanotechnology

The use of nanotechnology in recent years has brought significant improvements in many fields. However, experts have warned of its wide application with unknown speculations of nanoparticle hazards not yet established. These particles are too small to be observed with the naked eye. The environmental impacts of these small nanoparticles could lead to enormous problems in the future if new measures are not invented. Therefore, nanotechnology should be carefully studied to determine the extent of damage caused by the accumulation of nanoparticles in the environment.

by Abdullah Sam
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