What is Ketorolac?

The Ketorolac is used for short-term treatment (up to 5 days) of severe-moderate amount of pain . For example, it is recommended after surgery.

What is Ketorolac?

It is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine (Fans) . Its precise mechanism of operation is not known, however it is believed to stop the action of substances related to inflammation. In any case, it does not work on the reasons for the latter: it simply promotes the reduction of symptoms, specifically pain.

How is Ketorolac taken?

Ketorolac can be administered orally, via intramuscular injections or infusions directly into the vein or in the form of a nasal spray.

It can be recommended alone or together with other medicines.

Side effects of Ketorolac

Ketorolac can increase the danger of serious heart or blood vessel disorders.

Among its other possible side effects we also find:

  • constipation
  • diarrhea
  • dizziness
  • drowsiness
  • gas
  • headache
  • indigestion
  • slight stomach upset
  • nausea
  • badly on the injection area
  • feeling of having a full stomach
  • sweating
  • He retched

It is essential to notify the doctor immediately in the presence of:

  • rash
  • urticaria
  • breathing problems
  • feeling of tightness or chest pain
  • swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue
  • unusual hoarseness
  • dark stools or blood in the stool
  • blood in the urine or cloudy or dark urine
  • urination problems or changes in the amount of urine produced
  • confusion
  • depression
  • fainting
  • fast or irregular heart beat
  • fever, chills or continuous throat pain
  • hallucinations
  • changes in mood or behavior
  • sores in the mouth
  • numbness of an arm or leg
  • weakness of only one part of the body
  • continuous flu-like symptoms
  • red, swollen, blistered or peeling skin
  • tinnitus
  • convulsions
  • severe head pain or dizziness
  • severe or continuous stomach pain or nausea
  • strong diarrhea or vomiting
  • shortness of breath
  • sudden or unexplained weight gain
  • swelling of arms, hands, legs or feet
  • bleeding or bruising
  • unusual muscle or joint pain
  • unusual weakness or tiredness
  • visual or language disturbances
  • vomit that looks like coffee
  • jaundice

Contraindications and warnings on the use of Ketorolac

Ketorolac may not be indicated in the presence of taking pentoxifylline, probenecid, aspirin or other NSAIDs. It should not be taken during the last three months of pregnancy, or during breastfeeding, in the presence of kidney problems or if you are in danger of renal failure, in case of cerebral hemorrhage or if you are at risk of bleeding, before surgery. in case of a history of ulcers or serious gastrointestinal disturbances and in the presence of coronary artery bypass grafting.

Before taking it, it is essential to warn the doctor:

  • the possible allergy to the active substance, its excipients, in any other medicine (specifically aspirin or other NSAIDs), food or other substances;
  • of drugs, phytotherapics and supplements taken, mentioning specifically anticoagulants, Paracetamol, Aspirin, Clopidogrel, Corticosteroids, Heparin, Pentoxifylline, SSRI, Probenecid, Cyclosporine, Lithium, Metformin, Methotrexate, Oral Fans, Quinolones, ACE inhibitors and ;
  • if you suffer (or have suffered) to disorder kidney or liver disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, swelling or fluid retention, nasal polyps, mouth inflammation, high blood pressure, blood disorders, bleeding or clotting problems, cardiovascular diseases, hypovolemia, and low blood sodium levels;
  • in the event of poor health ;
  • in the event of dehydration ;
  • if you consume alcohol;
  • if you have a history of alcohol abuse;
  • in the event of pregnancy or breastfeeding .

Taking Ketorolac may affect your ability to drive and operate dangerous machinery . This side effect can worsen with the consumption of alcohol and certain medications.

by Abdullah Sam
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