What is gamification and how does it affect gambling

Gamification is a set of processes and strategies that have a simple but important purpose: to transfer the concepts underlying the game to other levels , from the promotion of one’s services to customer service. The objective of these strategies focuses on customer loyalty and a decidedly higher level of involvement than the average.

In summary, these techniques aim at customer engagement by borrowing the engagement factors of video games. Furthermore, they serve to motivate consumers and to push them, in turn, to achieve certain goals and rewards. Finally, recently the players involved in the online casino sector have also adopted gamification strategies by applying them to slots, and this is another element that deserves to be explored.

  1. What is gamification and what are its goals?
  2. The impact of gamification on online casinos
  3. The importance of balance in gamification applied to casinos

What is gamification and what are its goals?

In essence, gamification is the use of game-like factors, applying them in non-game contexts , to increase customer or prospect engagement and motivation. These elements can be different: for example, we are talking about game mechanics based on points, rankings and rewards, such as badges, virtual objects such as NFTs and much more. The goal of gamification is to encourage the user to have fun while interfacing with the services of a company, experiencing those activities like a real video game. Basically, we are faced with techniques based on incentives, but of the latest generation.

The impact of gamification on online casinos

One of the main benefits of gamification for online casinos is increased engagement. However, since these are real video games, things are slightly different in this sector. In fact, gamification has crept into gambling pastimes by transferring – in fact – the dynamics of other video games to slot machines. To give some concrete examples, a machine starring Lara Croft will have a greater impact on the player, especially on fans of the famous Hollywood archaeologist. A similar argument applies to many other machines, as in the case of those inspired by Resident Evil.

In general terms, however, gamification applied to gambling involves all the “surrounding” aspects in an online casino. For example, we talk about the user interface and user experience, together with loyalty programs and live casinos, which also include the so-called VIP rooms. In short, the purpose of these strategies is to make the experience more rewarding by providing additional playful motivation. In practice, they are made concrete by inserting the game within the game .

The importance of balance in gamification applied to casinos

Gamification applied to online casinos, as widely expected, provides a stimulus that can further involve the player. With the risk that the latter may exceed the alert levels, exaggerating and dedicating himself to gambling with excessive enthusiasm . If not handled properly, this situation can lead to problems such as gambling addiction. However, some players in the sector are using artificial intelligence to identify compulsive gamblers, so as to anticipate any negative consequences.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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