What is Chain Migration?

The term chain migration refers to a social process through which people migrate from one place to another, within a country or in another country. Migrants follow others, who previously migrated after learning about the best opportunities. This is motivated by social relationships with those already in the preferred destination. Common sense requires human beings to migrate to places where people they know are already established. Chain migration is a model witnessed in all countries of the world. In America, chain migration is experienced where green card holders or already confirmed American citizens invite their family members to the United States.

History of chain migration in America

American history is full of immigrants who have used different strategies to enter, work or live in the country. The social networks that led to chain migration include the migration of half of 1800 of the Germans fleeing chaos to Europe and the Irish fleeing from Ireland. From the late 1800s to the early 1900s Some Jews emigrated from Russia and the Hungarian regions. In the same period, numerous immigrants from Italy and Japan moved to America to escape poverty. Chinese immigrants arrived in America using false documents after the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 banned them from entering America.

Ethnic enclaves and gender reports

Immigrants from specific ethnic groups settled in America and continued to invite other members, thus forming homogeneous ethnic territories. The ethnic enclaves were built in regions with names like “Lttle Italy” and “Chinatown”. The enclave led some cities in the United States and Brazil with settlers who spoke the only German language. Young, energetic and single men were the first to migrate to America and other places. Some have invited their spouses. This has led to more men than women in the new countries. Italian and Chinese men initially migrated to America in search of work, but once they had the money and met the legal requirements, they invited their families. C ‘

Effects of chain migration

Chain migration leads to family reunification, therefore the social structure is maintained. New settlers can provide cheaper labor or skills not available in a certain profession in the country where they settle. A major effect is on the economy of the beneficiary country or region due to the increase in labor. However, the wrong kind of immigrants could come into play in terms of behavior and ability. The backlog in issuing visas due to annual dues can lead to illegal immigrants living with relatives while waiting for visas. Immigrants can overwhelm the nation in terms of resources. Other problems such as the language barrier, cultural erosion,

Debate on chain migration in the United States

Since President Donald Trump took over, there has been a heated debate on chain migration. Trump said he will work to end the vast migration chain by ensuring that only close family members are considered for visa issuance. During Trump’s first speech, State of the Nation, he asked for merit-based immigration rules that bring only highly qualified professionals. In this age of terrorism, it is only prudent to be vigilant. Stopping chain migration is one of the four pillars of the Trump administration.

Those who argue against Trump’s view say that some immigrants have helped build the economy. Others have no one else to call home. Although there are concerns that there are too many people entering the United States, the size and economy are large enough to accommodate them. Of the 34 million legal immigrants in America, two-thirds arrived through chain migration and showed high levels of social integration in the American system.

by Abdullah Sam
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