What is an anechoic chamber?

Is it possible to create the perfect silence? With an anechoic chamber you practically touch perfection, but do you know what it is? It is also known as the ‘deaf room’ because it is what it is in itself, a room in which the reflections of any sound wave are completely absorbed . Let’s see some details.

For this it is created in a peculiar way, with protruding elements in the form of pyramids, wedges and all kinds of coverings. The materials that compose it are the most optimal to eliminate sound: foam, fiberglass and wool . Today they are used for various activities, from testing audio equipment or microphones to testing with antennas or radars. For this reason there are anechoic chambers of different sizes depending on the use to be made of it.

How long do you think you could be in a room without hearing a single sound? At the moment the record is 45 minutes. In the United States an anechoic chamber was created that is recognized in the Guinness Record which absorbs 99.99% of sounds and although it is perfect for testing all kinds of electronic devices, humans cannot stay inside for long. By eliminating any sound wave, the body tries to find a source of sound, turning the organism itself into that source: the heartbeat, the breathing … The result is that the mind begins to lose control and at the moment no one has been able to be more than three quarters of an hour without generating worrying mental effects.

So if you thought it became an ideal place for relaxation, you were wrong; It is perfect for testing different audio devices but it is certainly impossible for the human ear to stay long with 100% sound absence


by Abdullah Sam
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