What to drink when you have Dengue?

Our health is always prone to suffer some problems according to new genetic mutations that result in new viruses, bacteria or protozoa. Technology can help a lot in the fight against these diseases, but we see that they are not always effective.

Can you imagine living in the time of the black plague or the Spanish flu? Dozens of people died of these diseases, making them part of human history. We know that most of these diseases have always been linked to the lack of thinking about hygiene care, basic sanitation and lack of information.

Over time these requirements have improved, showing that it is increasingly difficult to spread large pandemics. Until the year 2020, when Covid-19 came to show that there is still a lot to improve in relation to basic hygiene and the lack of education are very large across the planet. And that makes us reflect the number of diseases that originate from similar problems.

In the middle of the 21st century, we see that people do not have a full awareness of what can harm their lives. A lot of this is about how information gets to them, we can’t say that it gets the same for everyone. Social inequality has always existed and we know that the least favored people are always the most affected by diseases of this type.

People with greater purchasing power always manage to find a breach for a cure, or any possible privilege. Of course, injustices always happen and this brings to situations similar to the one we are currently experiencing.

The truth is that this is one of the several diseases that has been breaking out in the world in recent years, be it swine flu, ebola, Zica virus, dengue, among others that has been showing itself increasingly strong.

Health & Personal Care

Dengue mosquito

Before we think about diseases caused by these external agents, there are many others that need to be prevented by the person related to health care in daily life with minimal attitudes that can make you stronger for the future.

These cares are basic and can start with simple physical activities, maintaining the routine always to move the body and always leave the joints well prepared. Physical activities go beyond exercising the body, but also the mind, being essential for a good shape.

Another important point is food, which with so many technologies today has become increasingly dangerous. Food becomes more and more processed, less natural and healthy. And in most cases we know that they are always very tasty and end up attracting our attention. Food is extremely important as there are many components that can help maintain all the functions of our body that can only be maintained because of what we eat. We cannot forget that there are many foods that can cause future diseases such as diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, among others.

Hygiene in general is also essential, whether it’s your own hygiene or the environment in which you live. Be it always washing your hands, keeping your teeth brushed, bathing regularly, among other activities that are basic even like cleaning the house and other attitudes during the day-to-day.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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