What is a Softphone and what is it for? – Complete guide

What is a Softphone? What is the meaning of the word Softphone? What is the function of the softphone tool or program? What is the use of using the tool or Softphone and what types are there?

In case you wonder what a Softphone is, it consists of a program that aims to allow communication between people in an easier, simpler, more advanced way and with multiple more opportunities and possibilities.

With a Softphone it is possible to make international calls for free thanks to its Voice system. To work with the Softphone program you only need to have a good Internet connection, a mobile device or a PC.

If you do not yet know what the Softphone program is , what its function is, what it is for and what advantages it has, today at miracomosehace we bring you a complete guide that is easy to understand if you are a fan of VoIP systems.

What is the Softphone tool, app or program?

In case you are wondering what is or what does Softphone mean? Softphone is the union between the words “telephone” and “software”, that is, it is the union between these two elements. Softphone is a smart or computer program that can be downloaded from the Google Play Store.

The first step to download the Softphone app or program on a mobile device is to download and install the Google Play Store on your mobile , in this way you can download any application for free.

The Softphone program or tool is a software that is based on Voice over IP systems , or the famous term “VoIP”, in case you do not know what the VoIP telephone system is , it consists of transmitting the voice of any person or Internet user.

The Softphone program can be downloaded to any mobile device, be it iPhone or Android, or on a PC computer. The software in the Softphone program allows calls to be made to any device.

What is the function and what is the application for?

Once you know that the Softphone is based on intelligent software to transmit voice over the Internet, you will ask yourself, what is the Softphone for? What is the function of the Softphone? What makes it different from making a regular Internet call?

The Softphone program allows you to make calls from an iPhone or Android phone or PC easily, quickly and free of charge.

Softphone differs from other programs to make Internet calls since it has unique and valuable characteristics such as the inclusion or integration of G722, iSAC, GSM, SILK Codecs, among hundreds of other Codecs.

Similarly, the Softphone program works in the cloud, this means that it does not depend on a location to make calls or video calls, so you can communicate with anyone in the world quickly if they also have the program.


by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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