What Happens In A Hung Jury

What Happens In A Hung Jury. Navigating a Hung Jury: Understanding the Legal Implications ‘In the realm of legal proceedings, a jury trial is often considered a cornerstone of justice. It involves a group of impartial individuals deliberating on the evidence presented in a case to reach a verdict.

What Happens In A Hung Jury

However, not all jury deliberations result in a clear decision. A “hung jury” occurs when the jury is unable to reach a unanimous verdict. This article delves into the concept of a hung jury, its implications, and the subsequent steps in the legal process.

Understanding a Hung Jury

A hung jury, also known as a “deadlocked jury,” occurs when the jurors in a trial are unable to agree upon a unanimous verdict. In many criminal and civil cases, the law requires a unanimous decision by the jury to reach a verdict. This means that all jurors must agree on whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty (in a criminal case) or liable or not liable (in a civil case).

Causes of a Hung Jury

Several factors can contribute to a jury becoming deadlocked:

  1. Complex Evidence: Cases involving intricate legal or technical details may confuse jurors, making it challenging for them to come to a unanimous decision.
  2. Strongly Held Beliefs: Jurors with deeply entrenched viewpoints may be resistant to changing their stance, even after deliberations.
  3. Lack of Evidence: If the evidence presented by the prosecution or defense is weak, jurors may struggle to determine guilt or innocence beyond a reasonable doubt.
  4. Emotional Content: Cases with emotionally charged elements can cloud jurors’ judgment and lead to difficulty in reaching consensus.
  5. Personal Dynamics: Personality clashes or disagreements among jurors can hinder effective communication and collaboration during deliberations.
  6. Inadequate Communication: Ineffective communication within the jury room can impede the exchange of ideas and prevent a resolution.

Implications of a Hung Jury

A hung jury has several implications for both the prosecution and the defense:

  1. Mistrial: In most cases, a hung jury results in a mistrial. This means that the trial is considered inconclusive and does not lead to a verdict. As a result, the case does not reach a final resolution.
  2. Retrial: Following a mistrial, the prosecution can choose to retry the case with a new jury. Double jeopardy protections do not apply in this situation, as the previous trial did not result in an acquittal or conviction.
  3. Resource Allocation: A hung jury can lead to significant resource allocation, as the legal process essentially starts anew with a retrial.
  4. Impact on Defendants: Defendants may experience prolonged stress and uncertainty as a result of multiple trials.
  5. Public Perception: Repeated trials and hung juries can affect public perception of a case and the individuals involved.

Resolution after a Hung Jury

After a hung jury, the legal process typically follows these steps:

  1. Assessment: Both the prosecution and defense assess the case and jury dynamics to determine whether retrial is advisable.
  2. Retrial Decision: The prosecution decides whether to pursue a retrial. Factors considered include the strength of evidence, jurors’ reactions, and potential costs.
  3. New Jury: If a retrial is pursued, a new jury is selected, and the trial process begins anew.
  4. Double Jeopardy: The concept of double jeopardy does not apply because a mistrial due to a hung jury does not result in an acquittal or conviction.


A hung jury is a complex scenario that underscores the challenges of achieving unanimous agreement in a legal setting. It highlights the intricacies of the legal system and its reliance on the collective judgment of jurors. While a hung jury may delay justice, it also underscores the importance of ensuring a fair and thorough deliberative process. The legal community continually navigates these challenges to uphold the principles of justice and the rule of law.


by Abdullah Sam
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