What does success mean to you?

For an opera singer, success means an invitation to sing at the Metropolitan Opera, for a person who dreams of becoming an actor – to be accepted into a famous theater school, for an aspiring model – to become famous like Claudia Schiffer; for a football player to score a decisive goal during the world football championship; for an accountant – to become a millionaire; for the head of the department – to become the chairman of the board of the company.

Success can be considered complete quitting smoking, reducing the time spent sitting in front of the TV, mastering the art of horse riding, getting a higher salary compared to his brother, concluding more contracts than the best salesman in the company. Successes are nothing more than resolved problems to me. We do not live in this world in order to feel like we are in paradise. We live in it to solve problems. And there are a great many of them, wherever you look. The problem provides an opportunity to show what kind of dough you are made of. What problems in this world can we solve? If there were no problems, there would be no responsibilities.

In order to strive for success, you should determine the field of activity in which you can solve problems, find tasks for yourself and the meaning of your life. It is in this field of activity that you can become a leader, achieve success and find satisfaction. But first, you should ask yourself this question: “Am I a person who creates problems or who solves them?” In what field can I best solve problems or, in other words, be successful?

Your job is not to solve a different problem every day. Your task is to find an area of ​​activity in which you would be the leader! In this field of activity, you can show your abilities, stand out from the general background and prove your uniqueness.

Success is as different as people are different. There is professional success, success in personal life, financial success, success in sports or art; you can succeed as a man or as a woman. This list can be continued indefinitely. Do you really want to be successful? Then the answers to the following questions are critical to you:

  • Do you know what kind of success you want to achieve?
  • Are you ready to act with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, working hard to achieve success?

And one more important addition:

The will to succeed should be trained daily. In order not to let the gray routine suppress her.

Questionnaire on the topic “Success”

  • What does success mean for you personally?
  • Since when did you get this idea of ​​success?
  • Who influenced you to have this idea of ​​success?
  • Has your idea of ​​success changed over time?
  • Can you recall past successes?
  • List them!
  • What kind of people do you consider to be successful?
  • And why?
  • Name ten people that you associate with the concept of “success”
  • Do you have a role model in your pursuit of success?
  • When was the last time you had success?
  • What qualities do you think distinguish people who are successful?
  • How does a successful person differ from a loser?

Now let’s move on to your personal success strategy:

  • What character traits do you possess that help you achieve success?
  • What has hindered you from achieving notable success so far?
  • What goals have you set for yourself for this month, this week, today?
  • What goals have you achieved in the last year, last month, last week, yesterday?
  • How can you reduce the impact of external factors on the implementation of your plans?
  • What can you change to achieve your goals faster?
  • Are you helping other people to be successful? (To whom, how?)

Develop a strategy for yourself to achieve success. Write down your goals, keep a diary in which you record individual steps leading to success. Try to visualize your success: Draw a “success curve” that reflects your path to success. Then you will know exactly at what stage of the path you are at the moment and where obstacles arise. Using such a graph, outline the direction of further movement. Remember, success is contagious.

Success cannot be the result of a happy coincidence, this is not the case when you can be guided by the motto: “Once you have achieved success, you will always achieve it.” Success is what follows deeds. Success is the result of thoughts, aspirations and deeds. We live in the real world, so we have to build our life and solve our problems. For me every problem solved is a success. Only by constantly focusing on your goals, working persistently, intensely and with enthusiasm, you can achieve success. No one is able to give you success, but no one can take it away from you. The starting point of success is only you and only thanks to you success can take place. You and only you can set milestones for yourself and move forward from one to the other, remembering that success attracts success to itself.

Steps to help you achieve success:

  • Clearly set goals.
  • Revealing your charismatic abilities
  • Success-oriented thinking
  • Success strategy.
by Abdullah Sam
I’m a teacher, researcher and writer. I write about study subjects to improve the learning of college and university students. I write top Quality study notes Mostly, Tech, Games, Education, And Solutions/Tips and Tricks. I am a person who helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue.

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